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Telehealth Resources: Clinical Delivery


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Improving Hypertension Management: Applying Standing Orders and the Role of Medical Assistants (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Mary Blankson, Chief Nursing Officer for Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI), this session will cover how to implement standing orders using CHCI's hypertension guidelines and other national best practices. It will emphasize the key role of Medical Assistants (MAs) and demonstrate how standing orders support broader healthcare initiatives. Participants will gain knowledge on how to apply standing orders for hypertension management in their own health centers to improve patient care and streamline clinical processes. More Details...

Patient-Centered Telehealth for LGBTQIA+ Communities (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this publication is to educate health center staff on how to reduce barriers to LGBTQIA+ patient care by improving telehealth programming. More Details...

E-Consult Trends Across Medicaid Programs and Impact on FQHCs (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NACHC and the Center for Connected Health Policy examine the current state of eConsult Medicaid policies in relation to FQHCs. This paper looks at a sampling of states to examine trends in eConsult policies that allow, exclude or do not specify the policy specific to FQHCs, resulting in reimbursement and telehealth operational implications for health center. More Details...

Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth webinar was designed for health center and health center look-alike staff. The webinar aims to increase the audience's knowledge of and capacity to define how health centers can partner effectively with schools to implement telehealth care, identify how to provide students with care through telehealth, and reduce barriers to telehealth services. More Details...

Work as a Social Driver of Health: How La Casa Family Health Center Identifies Farmworkers (2022). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: What happens when health center care teams know more about a patient's occupation? This data can be especially important if the patient is an essential worker, as the Health Choice Network, a health center-controlled network based in Miami, and their partners at La Casa Family Health Center in New Mexico, learned in recent years while treating a high-risk group of dairy farmworkers. This episode of NACHCO's podcast, Health Centers on the Front Lines, takes us behind the scenes at a health center and its partner network as they change the culture around disclosure of occupation among patients. More Details...

Integrated Mental Health (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: We invite you to join the School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) for a one-hour webinar on Integrated Mental Health to address care coordination, partnerships, and evidence-based care strategies for school-aged children. More Details...

Best Practices for Phone and Virtual Interpretation in Health Centers (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar is provided in conjunction with a newly created best practices resource in response to the demand for more language access services in health centers especially for Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients. This project is HRSA-funded. Presented on 11/30/2023 More Details...

Designing Space for Hybrid Care Models (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: For health centers planning a capital project, this publication, developed with support from HRSA, provides insight into designing facilities to accommodate both in-person and virtual care efficiently and strategically, considering staff and patient needs and preferences. More Details...

Navigating Compliance Challenges with the Information Blocking Rule: A Collection of Case Studies: HITEQ Center and Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP, September 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) 21st Century Cures Act Information Blocking Rule (Info Blocking Rule) prohibits covered actors – including health care providers, health IT developers of certified health IT, and health information exchanges/health information networks– from engaging in practices likely to interfere with, prevent, or materially discourage access, exchange, or use of electronic health information (EHI). The Info Blocking Rule includes eight exceptions that provide actors with certainty that, when their practice interferes with the access, exchange, or use of EHI and meets the conditions of one or more exception, such practice will not be considered information blocking.1 More Details...

Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record: HITEQ Center, June 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: With nearly 100% of community health centers utilizing electronic health records (EHR) to care for patients, focus has pivoted from implementation and new workflow development to enhancement in order to drive value and reflect patient needs and population trends. EHR technology presents potential opportunities and significant constraints. Providers frequently document and share potentially sensitive information in the EHR, such as risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), consistent offers of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or patient sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). More Details...

BPHCurates: Child and Adolescent Health and Social Resources: Targeted Resources on Food Insecurity, Behavioral Health, Oral Health, Staffing Shortages, and Telehealth to Support Child and Adolescent Health (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource packet provides health centers with resources to develop processes for improving service delivery and outcomes for children and adolescents, specifically related to telehealth, food insecurity, mental and behavioral health, oral health, and staffing shortages and retention. In addition, links to general child and adolescent health center technical resources are provided. More Details...

Interoperability Readiness Scorecard: HITEQ Center, July 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Template. Description: Many health centers struggle to reap the benefits of technological advancement and investments in health information technology (health IT), while others embrace them and reap rewards. Interoperability is one such example; requiring health centers assess systems, relationships, and implementation. There are keys to successful interoperability implementation for which health centers must develop processes, stand up infrastructure (within the system, internally and externally, and organization), and then take action. Process refers to structured processes, policies, and procedures within the health center. Infrastructure refers to structural capacity and ability within the health center’s technology and staffing structure. Action refers to full implementation to the point of active and ongoing use and engagement. This scorecard encourages health centers to consider their processes, infrastructure, and action in a number of key areas. Each area key to interoperability are to be self-graded on a scale of 1 through 5, where 1 is poorly or not yet developed and 5 is well developed. Health centers can also use this to guide discussions and monitor progress over time. evaluate once steps have been completed. More Details...

Affirming Telehealth Practices for LGBTQIA+ Communities (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us for this one-hour session to explore promising telehealth practices to serve LGBTQIA+ communities and mitigate stigma and barriers to healthcare. This session will give a comprehensive overview of tools, resources, and best practices to help you build or expand your telehealth programming to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ patients. This session will be led by Emily Phillips, Fenway Health Telehealth Project Manager. More Details...

Assessing Provider Capabilities, Attitudes, and Preferences about Telehealth: HITEQ Center Question Bank, April 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: As health centers are charting their path forward with telehealth after the public health emergency ends, it will be critical to have methods in place to comprehensively assess the current experiences, capabilities, attitudes, and preferences of providers. Telehealth program improvements should be grounded in a real understanding of these factors to ensure readiness of all providers. More Details...

Clinical Quality Measures for Eligible Professionals: 2023 Update: A crosswalk of Clinical Quality Measures for UDS and other reporting from The HITEQ Center (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This spreadsheet developed by the HITEQ Center provides a crosswalk of Clinical Quality Measures and their electronic specifications as defined in the 2023 update for Eligible Professionals (Clinicians). Fields include the crosswalk of measures with related information about CMS, NQF, and MIPS ID, and Telehealth Eligiblity, as well as inclusion in HRSA BPHC Uniform Data System (UDS) CY2023, Million Hearts, CMS Quality Payment Program (QPP) - APM Performance Pathway (APP) Measures, Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)/ CMS ACO Shared Savings Program, CMS Core Set (Child Core Set Medicaid / CHIP): HEDIS Specified, CMS Core Set (Adult Core Set Medicaid): HEDIS Specified, Core Quality Measures Collaborative (ACO / Primary Care). Links are included throughout. More Details...

Technology Strategies to Improve Pediatric Immunization: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The importance of effective pediatric immunization strategies cannot be overstated at this moment in public health. Given all the potential barriers to access, how can technology support primary care in improving systems for effective vaccine uptake? Participants heard from Dr. Melissa Stockwell, whose research includes translational health IT interventions to promote vaccination as well as the use of large-scale, patient-centered communication technologies, like text messaging, for surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events. More Details...

Specialty Care Access in Health Centers - What is the Potential of eConsults?: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Access to care is the essential work of health centers, and one pain point is how to ensure specialty access for health center patients. This webinar will discuss innovation in specialty care access using technology and e-Consults. Electronic consultations (“e-consults”) are asynchronous, consultative, provider-to-provider communications within a shared electronic health record (EHR) or web-based platform. E-consults are intended to improve access to specialty expertise for patients and providers without the need for a face-to-face visit. More Details...

Technology Strategies to Improve Pediatric Immunization: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The importance of effective pediatric immunization strategies cannot be overstated at this moment in public health. Given all the potential barriers to access, how can technology support primary care in improving systems for effective vaccine uptake? Participants heared from Dr. Melissa Stockwell, whose research includes translational health IT interventions to promote vaccination as well as the use of large-scale, patient-centered communication technologies, like text messaging, for surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events. More Details...

Addressing Tuberculosis and Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening, Testing, and Treatment Needs Among Community Health Centers Serving Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders – September 2022 (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report identifies needs, current protocols, and best practices on A/AA and NH/PI-serving CHCs’ LTBI/TB-related screening, testing, and treatment that are noteworthy. In addition, recommendations for community interventions to address the social and cultural barriers to LTBI/TB testing, treatment, and education among high-risk populations were completed but further assessment is needed to holistically address the diverse needs of CHCs. More Details...

Telehealth Sustainability Worksheet (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This worksheet is provided as a basic tool to assist in basic business model development for FQHC/RHC/IHS and is based on the model of purchasing blocks of time by the hour with a specialty care or primary care provide. This tool is to help guide decisions related to contracting with a provider and how selecting a service provider will likely affect sustainability. More Details...

Telehealth Classroom - Online Training Course (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This Telehealth Classroom training portal has been developed by the federally funded Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), to assist regional stakeholders, including health systems, health centers, providers, and health professions students to successfully implement telehealth. More Details...

NRTRC Telehealth 101 Online Training (2020). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: Gain practical knowledge with this comprehensive overview. For those new to telehealth or looking for a refresher, this course will provide information on how to create and/or grow telehealth programs. Tools, tips, and lessons learned will be incorporated into the content of the various components of setting up a telemedicine program. A total of 1.75 CME credit hours is available upon course completion. More Details...

Eyes on Access: We’ve Decided to Offer Vision Services in Our Health Center, Now What? (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar hosted by the National Association of Community Health Centers, Prevent Blindness, and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, takes a deeper dive into the feasibility of opening an optometry department within a community health center. More Details...

Teledentistry Video Example (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This video depicts a condensed live, synchronous teledentistry visit utilizing the six steps of an infant oral care visit. More Details...

Telehealth Etiquette Video Series (2020). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: In this series of videos, we will learn the difference between a bad, good, and even better telehealth consult. While some of these demonstrations may seem humorous or “over the top”, all are based on actual patient scenarios. As you watch, notice the difference between the Good, the Bad, and the downright Ugly. More Details...

HITEQ Highlight Webinar: Level Up: Leveraging Your EHR to End the HIV Epidemic (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: What if we told you your electronic health record (EHR) was one of the keys to ending the HIV epidemic (EHE)? Your EHR is a powerful tool that can support increases in HIV testing, access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at risk for HIV, and so much more! View our HITEQ Highlights webinar on June 8th to learn more about leveraging your EHR through the use of digital tools and innovative strategies! More Details...

Telehealth Office Hour (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: NACHC offers monthly Telehealth Office Hours for health center, PCA, and HCCN staff who have questions or want to share information about telehealth related policy and operational activities. In addition to updates and Q&A, each session will focus on a specific topic of concern. More Details...

The Path Forward on Social Determinants of Health: Housing (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The first of five webinars in the Weitzman Institute\'s Path Forward \"Moving from Screening to Solving for Social Needs\" series focusing on the intersection of stable housing and health outcomes with presenters Tim Shaw; Associate Director of Policy, Financial Security Program, Aspen Institute, David Rich; Executive Director of Supportive Housing Works, and Jason Shaplen; Chief Strategy and New Ventures Officer, Community Health Center, Inc. More Details...

Telehealth for Supportive Housing Providers - CSH Three Part Telehealth Series: Guidance for Providers looking to adapt and are considering Billing for themselves (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Technology can be used as a complement to face-to-face services, and also as a service on its own. Technology options can be especially useful for people with depression or suffering from distress, and when there are difficulties in physically meeting with tenants. More Details...

TelePrEP for Health Centers: Telehealth Resources and Innovations for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), June 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has long been recognized as an effective treatment in the effort to end the HIV epidemic. Prescribing PrEP should be considered as part comprehensive prevention plan that includes a discussion about adherence to PrEP, condom use, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other risk reduction methods. This HITEQ brief presents an overview of how health centers can utilize telehealth for PrEP access, or TelePrEP, for comprehensive care, and includes innovations and resources that health centers can utilize to extend these services to their patient populations. More Details...

Telephone and Virtual Visits: Operational Considerations (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Tips and scripts for health center organizations to use in conducting telehealth visits with patients. More Details...

Telehealth Workflows (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: Suggested diagramed workflows for any organization managing patient caseloads via telemedicine. More Details...

Increasing Access To Care thorugh Tele-Dentistry: Promising Practice (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend among health centers to expand access to dental care. This promising practice will discuss the story of Ravenswood Family Health Center in California and their use of the virtual dental home model. More Details...

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit