Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 67 found.

NCHPH's Guide to Establishing Smoking Cessation Groups in Primary Care Programs Self-Paced Online Training Course (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH) has published a self-paced learning course for all health centers including those located in or immediately accessible to public housing with a focus on how to provide guidance and instructions on establishing a smoking cessation program. More Details...

Integrating Behavioral Health Into Pediatric Care, Part 2 Collaborative Care Models (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Renaye James Healthcare Advisors\' webinar will explore the critical integration of behavioral health into pediatric care, addressing the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among children and adolescents. As a follow-up to Part 1, Part 2 will explore collaborative care models that involve pediatricians, mental health professionals, and other stakeholders to ensure a holistic and multidisciplinary approach in addressing the mental well-being of children. In addition, the presenter will review evidence-based interventions and therapeutic techniques that can be applied within the pediatric setting to promote early detection and effective management of behavioral health concerns. This training will be in conjunction with Goodwin Medical Associates. More Details...

Crisis Intervention and De-escalation in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Session 3: Developing Crisis Prevention Policies and Procedures (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This Learning Collaborative will provide four learning sessions to help healthcare workers identify, de-escalate, and intervene in crisis behaviors in the healthcare setting. These four sessions will use evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety for patients and staff by emphasizing preventive measures and least-restrictive/non-physical interventions to reduce the risk of unsafe crisis behaviors. Each session of the Learning Collaborative will provide an opportunity for the participants to plan de-escalation and crisis interventions that promote patient and staff safety in their health centers. This Learning Collaborative aligns with the Health Center Performance Improvement domain of Quality, Patient Care, and Safety as it addresses approaches to reduce behaviors that may harm patients. More Details...

Crisis Intervention and De-escalation in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Session 2: Implementing Evidence-Based De-escalation and Crisis Intervention Techniques in Health Care Settings (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This Learning Collaborative will provide four learning sessions to help healthcare workers identify, de-escalate, and intervene in crisis behaviors in the healthcare setting. These four sessions will use evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety for patients and staff by emphasizing preventive measures and least-restrictive/non-physical interventions to reduce the risk of unsafe crisis behaviors. Each session of the Learning Collaborative will provide an opportunity for the participants to plan de-escalation and crisis interventions that promote patient and staff safety in their health centers. This Learning Collaborative aligns with the Health Center Performance Improvement domain of Quality, Patient Care, and Safety as it addresses approaches to reduce behaviors that may harm patients. More Details...

Crisis Intervention and De-escalation in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Session 1: How to Identify and Prevent Crisis Behaviors in Health Care Settings (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This Learning Collaborative will provide four learning sessions to help healthcare workers identify, de-escalate, and intervene in crisis behaviors in the healthcare setting. These four sessions will use evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety for patients and staff by emphasizing preventive measures and least-restrictive/non-physical interventions to reduce the risk of unsafe crisis behaviors. Each session of the Learning Collaborative will provide an opportunity for the participants to plan de-escalation and crisis interventions that promote patient and staff safety in their health centers. More Details...

Leveraging Opioid Settlement Dollars - Benefits and Strategies for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As of February 2022, 48 states have accepted settlement for various lawsuits brought against pharmaceutical opioid distributors and one manufacturer in response to the national opioid and overdose crisis. Commonly referred to as the “Opioid Settlement funds”, approximately $26 billion have been distributed to states and local governments to support a range of activities addressing the root causes and impact of the opioid crisis. Beyond the Approved Uses Guidance, there is wide latitude for how to use these funds. The national Opioid Settlement Tracker is a resource that can help Health Centers and Primary Care Associations determine the process for how these funds are allocated and any pathways to influence that process. Housing creation, including supportive housing and recovery housing are cited in the national settlement agreement as potential approved uses. This analysis will focus on how and where funds are being leveraged to support housing access and other services that benefit health center patients. More Details...

Tobacco Use Among MSAW: Environmental Scan Findings Report (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This environmental scan provides information about tobacco use and cessation among agricultural workers. Information was collected from a national poll of MSAW organizations and from agricultural worker focus groups. More Details...

Instructions for Using Naloxone (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Instructional sheet on how to use Naloxone in the case of an opioid overdose. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...

Moving OUD/SUD Care Upstream through Partnership with Legal Aid: Health Center MLP Planning, Implementation & Practice (PIP) Webinar Series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This interactive webinar will explore the collaboration between Philadelphia Legal Assistance (PLA) and community health centers in the City of Brotherly Love. Together, they are advancing and strengthening community-based care and treatment for individuals recovering from Opioid and Substance Use Disorders (O/SUD). Learn about the implementation journey and impact of the medical-legal partnerships between PLA and the healthcare teams at Esperanza Health Center and Delaware Valley Community Health (DVCH) – Girard. This webinar is appropriate for anyone interested in the intersection of healthcare and legal services. More Details...

Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness in Smoking Cessation: Healing Hands (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: In this issue of Healing Hands, we will look at the impact of cigarette smoking, vaping, and other tobacco use among people experiencing homelessness, including children, teens, families, Indigenous communities with cultural experiences of medicinal tobacco use, and people who experience other forms of social marginalization. We will also consider key aspects of communication and intervention in the realm of smoking cessation, including motivational interviewing, harm reduction, trauma-informed care, and the five stages of change model. We will end with one individual’s story about quitting smoking that illustrates both the challenges and benefits of engaging in tobacco cessation. More Details...

Beyond the Ask: Person-Centered Approaches to Addressing Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This National Center for Equitable Care for Elders webinar focused on disparities in substance use disorder screening and treatment experienced by older adults, which disproportionately increases their risk of physical harm. Participants reviewed age-friendly principles of care that encourage early identification and recovery management in older patients. More Details...

Approaches to Behavioral Health Screening Resource Document (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This Resource Document provides current evidence-based behavior health screening tools and details who can administer them, under what setting, their use with special populations (non-verbal, limited English proficiency), and how to interpret results. This Resource Document is intended to help inform healthcare staff of the utility of behavioral health screenings so that they can become more prevalent and provide early intervention to substance use and mental health needs. More Details...

Substance Use Guidelines (2024). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The National Health Care for the Homeless Council's Substance Use Guidelines are brief substance-specific guidelines intended for use by anyone who is a consumer of services or a service provider working with people experiencing homelessness and people who use drugs. More Details...

Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Motivational interviewing, in combination with other behavior change support interventions and strategies, can have a beneficial impact on the reduction of tobacco use. More Details...

Leveraging Telehealth for Use in Tobacco and Nicotine Cessation (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Recent studies have indicated that telehealth can serve as a critical tool in providing nicotine and tobacco-use cessation counseling. However, organizations often struggle to promote, market and provide these resources in an efficient manner. Fortunately, there are frameworks, research and protocols available that can help us to leverage and promote our telehealth resources while maximally supporting our patients and taking full advantage of staff resources.  More Details...

Increasing Equity in Pain Management, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Linkages to Care (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this Resource Guide is to support health center care teams in providing equitable, compassionate, high-quality care for patients in the contexts of pain management, substance use disorders (SUDs), and meaningful linkages to care. Inside, you will find actionable strategies and resources to help your care team reduce health disparities and advance health equity among minoritized and stigmatized people who, due to historical and structural injustices, are more vulnerable to undertreatment and mistreatment of pain and SUDs. More Details...

Evidence-Based Tobacco Cessation Programs: Ten Steps for a Successful Quit (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, participants learned the ten essential steps anyone wanting to quit smoking should take to ensure success. We also discussed how to help patients implement these steps as they prepare for and engage in their quitting journey. More Details...

Poverty, Housing and Stigma: The Profound Effects of The Social Determinants of Health on Addiction Management: NCHPH Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In the coming years FQHC’s and PHPC’s are expected to take an increasing share of the country’s addiction management caseload. This is particularly true of health centers serving disadvantaged populations. More Details...

Tobacco Cessation: From Evidence to Practice: NCHPH Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar presented by NHCHC and NCHPH focused on the epidemiology of tobacco use behaviors, tobacco-related inequities, and culturally-relevant tobacco use interventions and ways to integrate them into practice. More Details...

The Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Community Mental Health: Preparation and Response: NCHPH Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The burden of preparation and response to Public Health Emergencies is expected to be a prominent aspect of health center operations for the foreseeable future. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit