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Population Health Management Task Force National Learning Series 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This national learning series, sponsored by HRSA, takes a deeper dive into issues related to HIV, Diabetes, and Chronic comorbid disease management, which all impact population health management. More Details...

Strengthening NP/PA Residency Programs through Academic, Clinical, & Community Partnerships (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explores the essential components of successful primary care nurse practitioner/physician associate (NP/PA) residency programs, including program structure and the value of academic, clinical, and community partnerships. Along with experts from CHC, this webinar includes a health center spotlight on successfully implementing a residency program with strong partnerships. By the end, viewers will have a clear understanding of how to build effective, sustainable NP/PA residency programs and enhance clinical workforce development. More Details...

Crisis Intervention and De-escalation in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Session 1: How to Identify and Prevent Crisis Behaviors in Health Care Settings (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This Learning Collaborative will provide four learning sessions to help healthcare workers identify, de-escalate, and intervene in crisis behaviors in the healthcare setting. These four sessions will use evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety for patients and staff by emphasizing preventive measures and least-restrictive/non-physical interventions to reduce the risk of unsafe crisis behaviors. Each session of the Learning Collaborative will provide an opportunity for the participants to plan de-escalation and crisis interventions that promote patient and staff safety in their health centers. More Details...

Safe Practices in Dental Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived In-Person Training. Description: This conference seminar addresses building an infection prevention and control (IPC) program in a health center dental department that addresses personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, injections, sharps, and sterilization and disinfection procedures. The seminar will review assigning roles and responsibilities to everyone on the team using project management tools. Measuring and reporting success with the IPC program will also be highlighted. Information shared references the Center for Disease Control and Prevention expectations for safe care for dental practices. More Details...

HRSA Behavioral Health Web Portal (2024). Resource Type: Other Resource Collection. Description: This external website includes a repository of potentially-relevant, curated resources from an organization outside of the HRSA-funded training and technical assistance organizations. (Note: resources in such collections do not undergo review by the Clearinghouse). This web portal describes that national approach to address behavioral health in the United States and includes resources in support of the President's mental health strategy, the HHS roadmap for behavioral health integration, interdepartmental efforts, and national focus areas. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States, First Steps for Health Centers Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National HIV/AIDS Strategy provides an update to the HIV National Strategic Plan (2021) and intends for the HIV epidemic to end by 2030. In addition, the strategy sets forth expectations to ensure patients living with HIV are treated, HIV health outcomes are improved, and health disparities are reduced. To aid in this effort, health centers have an opportunity to use their multidisciplinary teams and community partners to provide adequate support for individuals living with HIV and newly diagnosed with HIV. This webinar will provide an opportunity for health center staff to learn approaches to coordinating care for those newly diagnosed with HIV and identify how to measure success with their HIV program(s). This training will be in conjunction with the National LGBTQIA+ Education Center, The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health. More Details...

Community Health Center Chartbook 2024: Analysis of 2022 UDS Data (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The annual Community Health Center Chartbook presents data on Federally Qualified Health Centers, including Health Center Program Grantees and Look-Alike organizations. The chartbook includes summary data on health center patients, services, staffing, quality outcomes, and impact on access to care and health equity. More Details...

Comprehensive BMI and Weight Assessment Strategies (2024). Resource Type: Infographic. Description: This resource highlights BMI and weight assessment counseling within Family Healthy Weight Programs and offers guidance on effective implementation and management for health centers. It provides an overview for health center staff and new team members on clinical issues and best practices More Details...

Strategies to Improve Early Recognition of Pregnancy Associated Cardiomyopathy (2024). Resource Type: Archived webinar. Description: This two-part resource provides an overview of pregnancy-associated cardiomyopathy and a practical discussion of ways to improve outcomes in a clinical settings. The first section explores data from the CDC's Division of Reproductive Health Pregnancy-Related Mortality Surveillance Programs (PMSS and MMRCs). Section 2 explores a clinical case study on how to recognize signs and symptoms and then take action to prevent associated deaths. More Details...

Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on LGBTQIA+ Patients at Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Leo Goldsmith and Dr. Bhar Chekuri, this webinar will familiarize health centers on the impact of climate change on LGBTQIA+ communities, and will introduce strategies for ensuring an equitable and culturally affirming response to climate change and its health impacts. More Details...

Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides information confirming the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. More Details...

Children and the COVID-19 Vaccine Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides parents with instructions on ways you can help prevent the COVID-19 virus from transmitting to children, including information about approved vaccines for each age group. More Details...

Hypertension Control and Cholesterol Management Communications Toolkit (2024). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This communications toolkit is designed to provide evidence-based messaging on hypertension and cholesterol management. It includes materials developed through NACHC's Million Hearts® initiative. More Details...

Approaches to Mental Health Care for Migratory And Seasonal Agricultural Workers: Mental Health Learning Series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health Outreach Partners and Farmworker Justice co-facilitated a webinar on the overview of mental health disorders and how outreach and enabling services can provide trauma-informed care to screen and support mental health in Migratory, Seasonal, and Agricultural workers (MSAWs). The webinar had a guest speaker, Dr. Javier Rosado, a Clinical Associate Professor at Florida State University College of Medicine who serves as the Director of Clinical Research for the FSU Center for Child Stress and Health. More Details...

Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines (2024). Resource Type: Other. Description: Now that there are authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, accurate vaccine information is critical and can help stop common myths and rumors. More Details...

Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services for Populations Facing Homelessness (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Mental health issues can both cause and result from homelessness, with factors like substance use, economic instability, and limited access to housing and healthcare contributing significantly. Behavioral health providers should focus on flexible outreach, partnerships with housing organizations, peer support, and sustainable financing to effectively support this population. The guide will cover the central role of peer support and outreach and engagement strategies. Finally, the guide will cover the financing possibilities and challenges of supporting outreach and engagement efforts. More Details...

Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas mediante pruebas, prevención y tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: “Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas a través de las pruebas, la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas\", explica información importante sobre el VIH y el SIDA. Infórmese sobre las formas saludables de prevenir, hacerse la prueba y recibir tratamiento contra el VIH/SIDA entre los trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...

Promoting Agricultural Workers Healthy Lifestyle through HIV/AIDS Testing, Prevention, and Treatment: A Story About Sexual Health and HIV Among Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: "Promoting Agricultural Workers Healthy Lifestyle through HIV/AIDS Testing, Prevention, and Treatment: A Story About Sexual Health and HIV Among Agricultural Workers.", explains important information about HIV and AIDS. Learn about healthy ways to prevent, getting tested and treatment for HIV/AIDS among agricultural workers! More Details...

Leveraging Opioid Settlement Dollars - Benefits and Strategies for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As of February 2022, 48 states have accepted settlement for various lawsuits brought against pharmaceutical opioid distributors and one manufacturer in response to the national opioid and overdose crisis. Commonly referred to as the “Opioid Settlement funds”, approximately $26 billion have been distributed to states and local governments to support a range of activities addressing the root causes and impact of the opioid crisis. Beyond the Approved Uses Guidance, there is wide latitude for how to use these funds. The national Opioid Settlement Tracker is a resource that can help Health Centers and Primary Care Associations determine the process for how these funds are allocated and any pathways to influence that process. Housing creation, including supportive housing and recovery housing are cited in the national settlement agreement as potential approved uses. This analysis will focus on how and where funds are being leveraged to support housing access and other services that benefit health center patients. More Details...

Housing and HIV: Bridging the Gap between HIV and Housing in Special and Vulnerable Populations (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, CSH joined National Center for Health and Public Housing and the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center to host session 2 the Population Health Management National Learning Series. This session featured a discussion on the drivers of health for individuals at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C. Panelist providers shared lessons from the field on addressing social drivers of health (SDOH) needs with special emphasis on housing as an intervention and the importance of cross sector partnerships. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit