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Displaying records 81 through 100 of 118 found.

Cultural Humility Scale (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Built on recent theory stressing multicultural orientation, as well as the development of virtues and dispositions associated with multicultural values, this resource introduces the construct of cultural humility, defined as having an interpersonal stance that is other-oriented rather than self-focused, characterized by respect and lack of superiority toward an individual’s cultural background and experience. More Details...

Sabor y Salud: Latino and Hispanic Healthy Plate Brochure (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Fresh fruits and vegetables, portion control, and knowledge around nutrition are essential to maintaining a healthy diet. This brochure, created by MHP Salud and Hebni Nutrition Consultants, Inc., was designed to help Hispanic and Latino Communities build nutritious plates with familiar fresh foods. More Details...

Telehealth Strategies and Resources for Serving Patients with Limited English Proficiency (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Telehealth has the power to provide care to people in ways that were not possible before. Telehealth has removed barriers and ensured that people receive care when and where it is most convenient. Telehealth has been especially powerful recent pandemics, when non-emergency services such as primary care, behavioral health, and other in-person visits have been postponed to reduce the spread of the virus. However, while telehealth can remove obstacles, if not used deliberately and thoughtfully, it can exacerbate many inequalities that exist in the United States health system. One factor that is essential is language accessibility. More Details...

Centering Equity in Health and Housing Partnerships in Times of Crisis and Beyond: Supporting front line health providers to understand and incorporate health equity in their policies, programs and delivery of health services. (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This paper addresses how health centers, other health system providers, and housing partners can center considerations of equity in their shared work to address the needs of people most impacted by structural racism and its impact on health and social determinants of health, including Black people, people of color, and Indigenous people. More Details...

Partnership Opportunities for Health Centers, EnVision Centers, and Public Housing Agencies (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Recent public health crises have highlighted the magnitude of health inequities faced by public housing residents and the need for a coordinated approach in providing health prevention and treatment, as well as the basic goods and services needed to survive, e.g., food, medicine and shelter. More Details...

The Role of CHWs in Addressing Hypertension (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers (CHWs) are uniquely qualified to support individuals with hypertension. CHW interventions are known to improve health outcomes among individuals diagnosed with hypertension and support at-risk individuals to prevent the development of the condition. The purpose of this guide is to assist health centers and partners in identifying the roles of CHWs in addressing hypertension. More Details...

The Role of CHWs in Addressing Diabetes (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Worker (CHW) interventions have demonstrated success in improving health outcomes among individuals diagnosed with diabetes. Additionally, CHWs support at-risk individuals to prevent the development of the condition. The purpose of this guide is to assist health centers and partners in identifying the roles of CHWs in addressing diabetes. More Details...

Logrando Equidad en la Salud para las personas Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgénero y Queer (LGBTQ) – Parte 2 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Este seminario virtual en español cubrirá temas relacionados con el logro de la equidad en salud para las personas LGBTQIA+, particularmente aquellos en la intersección de las identidades latina, de minoría sexual, y de género. Esta sesión se dividirá en dos partes. La primera parte cubrirá la terminología básica, y una exploración de un modelo para entender como el estrés único de las minorías puede informar a las disparidades de salud experimentadas por las personas LGBTQIA+. More Details...

No Two People Are the Same: Respecting Cultural Diversity when Delivering Healthcare (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar defines health equity disparities and literacy, as well as the cultural competence that affect delivery of services. It focuses on barriers to culture, linguistic competency and cross-cultural communication in framework that allows organizations to plan and develop an equitable environment. REGISTRATION required to view this free webinar. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health for Public Housing Residents: Access to Healthy Food (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Using data and maps created by National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH) and other national data sources, this publication is one in a series that identifies the prevalence of social factors and population health indicators that affect public housing residents. It is intended for non-clinical health center staff, decision makers, and public housing stakeholders. More Details...

Developing Cross-Sector Partnerships (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This guide provides health center staff with tools and strategies to initiate, develop, and sustain community partnerships to better serve older adult residents of public housing. Content of this publication was developed through a 4-session learning collaborative launched by the SDOH academy with a small cohort of HRSA-funded health centers, HCCNs, and PCAs. More Details...

Recommendations for Promotores(as) de Salud and Language Access Services at your Health Center (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As both skilled professionals and members of the community, Promotores(as) are in a unique position to address health issues in any community. One role that Promotores(as) often fill is as an interpreter between patients and clinical staff. Promotores(as) are well-positioned to act as the liaison, both linguistically and culturally. By helping patients better understand their clinical provider’s care instructions, Promotores(as) can build a stronger bond of trust between the patient and clinician and encourage better adherence to follow-up treatment. More Details...

Know Your A1C Tool / Conozca Su A1C (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: One of the most commonly reported positive health outcomes in Community Health Worker-led diabetes interventions is the improvement/stabilization of A1C levels reported in patients. The hemoglobin A1C test is a marker widely used to diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes and to monitor diabetes control in patients. More Details...

Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions: A Resource for Program Managers and Administrators is a resource for Community Health Worker program managers and administrators. It explains how Community Health Worker-led intervention programs can positively impact patients who have hypertension. About 75 million American adults (1 in every 3) have high blood pressure. Although high blood pressure can be easily detected and can be controlled with lifestyle changes and medication, almost a third of individuals with hypertension don’t know they have it, and only about half have it under control. Due to their close understanding of and trust from the communities they serve, CHWs can be particularly strong champions for patients with hypertension and/or at risk of heart disease. More Details...

CLAS Self-Assessment Tool (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This assessment tool can assist CHCs to determine the status of CLAS implementation strategies within their organization. More Details...

Collecting Data On Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, And Pacific Islanders For Community Health Center Needs Assessments: A Learning Series - Part 1: Social Determinants of Health of Emerging Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islander (AA&NHPI) Populations by States (2017). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar provides a data portrait of the fastest growing AA&NHPI populations by state with profiles of their social determinants of health characteristics. The five states are Arizona, Arkansas, Nevada, North Carolina, and North Dakota. The seven SDOH characteristics mentioned are educational attainment, foreign born, language spoken at home and ability to speak English, employment status, health insurance coverage, poverty level, and household characteristics. Collecting and having disaggregated data is important to better understand the unique barriers faced by AA&NHPIs since they represent more than 50 ethnic groups and over 100 languages. Health centers can use this data to develop more culturally and linguistically appropriate programs to better serve these communities. More Details...

Promising Practices Report: Community Outreach and Education Efforts of the Metta Health Center Program Within the Lowell Community Health Center (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report describes the development of a culturally tailored outreach and health education program through the use of radio and public access TV programming by the Metta Health Center Program in Lowell, MA. The health center has been recognized by the Office of Minority health as an exemplar provider of culturally competent care in meeting and exceeding all the standards set forth in the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health Care. More Details...

CLAS Standards and Enabling Services in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Serving Health Centers (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report describes the culturally and linguistically appropriate standards (CLAS) and enabling services (ES) provided by staff at Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA&NHPI)-serving health centers. It details the ES staffing required to provide these services and how they impact health outcomes. The provision of enabling services ensures that medically underserved patients receive care that meets and exceeds the criteria set forth by the National Standard for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care. More Details...

Survey Report: Meeting the National CLAS Standards amongst Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander (AA&NHPI)-Serving Health Centers: Cultural Language Access Standards in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA&NHPI)-Serving Health Centers: 2016 Survey Report (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This survey is designed to assess the specific cultural and language access policies, practices, and services provided by health centers. Primary Care Associations (PCAs) working with AA&NHPI or other limited English serving health centers, can use this report to assist in the prioritization of health center trainings and resources for policies across the 4 CLAS areas: 1) Governance, Leadership, and Workforce, 2) Language Access Services, 3) Data Collection and Assessment and 4) Community Engagement and Partnership. More Details...

The Health of AA&NHPIs Served at Health Centers: UDS 2014 (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This factsheet examines patient demographics and utilization of health services at health centers serving Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA&NHPIs) at health centers from the 2014 UDS dataset. It highlights the differences between these health centers and the national average of all health centers in the United States. Despite the high disease burden of its patient population, AA&NHPI-serving health centers have statistically significant better screening rates and health outcomes for hepatitis B, pap smears, hypertension and diabetes. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit