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Displaying records 2101 through 2120 of 2406 found.

Job Description for Clinical Applications Manager: Skills and Job Descriptions (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This is an actual job description for a Clinical Applications Manager in a well-staffed Health IT department of a health center. Job Description: Reporting to the Associate Director for Health Informatics and Data Services, the CPS analyst (1) plans all CPS related activities and (2) coordinates and collaborates with other departments on CPS-related projects. The CPS Analyst’s main goal is to ensure that both CPS and its third party software integrations remain maximally functional and secure. More Details...

Job Description for Associate Director of Informatics and Data Services: Skills and Job Descriptions (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This is an actual job description for an Associate Director of Informatics and Data Services in a well-staffed Health IT department of a health center. Job Description: Under the supervision of the Administrative Director of TFI, the Associate Director for Informatics and Data Services is responsible for the overall direction and daily management of the Data Center and Informatics team. He/She has responsibility for the development and maintenance of databases related to research projects in TFI. He/She supervises the collection, standardization and reporting of all data for program and service development, strategic planning and continuous quality improvement for Fenway Health clinical operations. More Details...

HITEQ Job Function Decision Tree: A Matrix of Skills and Job Descriptions for Health IT Staff (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The following document is intended to assist health center staff create new job descriptions and/or modify existing job descriptions to more clearly incorporate Health IT and quality-related responsibilities.  The matrix provides responsibilities across three categories of roles:  Medical Leadership, Quality, and Health IT.  It differentiates these responsibilities based on typical job functions (e.g., Quality Improvement, Compliance, Meaningful Use).    The following document is intended to assist health center staff create new job descriptions and/or modify existing job descriptions to more clearly incorporate Health IT and quality-related responsibilities.  The matrix provides responsibilities across three categories of roles:  Medical Leadership, Quality, and Health IT.  It differentiates these responsibilities based on typical job functions (e.g., Quality Improvement, Compliance, Meaningful Use).    This tool is helpful in two distinct ways. First, the matrix can provide language to modify existing job descriptions to ensure that for each function, responsibilities are articulated across all appropriate health center roles. Second, the matrix can help an organization that has determined the need for additional Quality and Health IT staff, such as a Data Analyst or Quality Coordinator.  The tool can assist in determining which functions will be incorporated into the new role, and then developing the job description from the chosen functions. More Details...

Financial Assessment Tool (2016). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The purpose of this Financial Impact Tool is assist you in realizing the actual costs of provider turnover. These costs can include direct costs, such as advertising and recruiting services, but also indirect costs, such as staff time dedicated to finding locum tenens and permanent providers. This tool attempts to quantify the "tangible" costs involved in provider turnover. This tool was produced in Excel format so that organizations can input values from their own records or use the included National Estimates based on physician data to help calculate the tangible costs of provider turnover at their sites. More Details...

Advance Care Planning for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: In Focus (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This literature review sheds light on current aging, disease, and mortality trends of people without homes while exploring their concerns about death and preferences for advanced care. It also explores implications for policy and practice to better meet the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. More Details...

A Patient Guide to Language Access (2016). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit describes the rights of patients to language access, questions to consider when determining an appropriate health care provider and health center, and resources for patient advocacy. The toolkit is available in multiple languages of English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. More Details...

Patient Satisfaction Quick Guide: Addressing Patient Satisfaction in Health Care for the Homeless Projects (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This quick guide examines how HCH grantees can gather and utilize patient satisfaction data to improve patient experiences. Patient satisfaction is a key measure of quality health care, and regular assessment is required for all Health Center Program Grantees. “Addressing Patient Satisfaction in Health Care for the Homeless Projects” provides a succinct review of the strategies necessary to plan for, collect, and respond to such information. These practice recommendations emerged from a 2015 focus group of expert HCH administrators and client advocates, HRSA guidance, and scientific literature. More Details...

Enabling Services: Gateways to Better Care (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This fact sheet was developed by AAPCHO and the National Association for Community Health Centers (NACHC). It provides an overview of the leading role health centers play in providing enabling services, or non-clinical services that improve access to care, and the important and positive impacts these services can have on health outcomes, costs, access and patient satisfaction. More Details...

Clinician's Guide to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides an overview of the Federal Instecticide and Fungicide Act (FIFRA) and the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), federal policies that regulate the use and sale of pesticides. More Details...

Clinician's Guide to OSHA's Field Sanitation Standard (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides an overview of OSHA's Field Sanitation Standard. More Details...

Managed Care and Homeless Populations: Linking the HCH Community and MCO Partners (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The brief includes the health care needs of this group, describes Health Care for the Homeless projects and the patients receiving care in these venues, a description of managed care, common goals between both entities, and issues that both providers and plans should consider when creating or strengthening partnerships. Because health care providers and insurance plans use different language, the terms “patient” and “member” are used throughout this brief to refer to the individuals being served. More Details...

Health and Housing Partnership Profiles - Washtenaw MI: Case Study on Frequent User Intiatives in Washtenaw MI (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This Profile focuses on Washtenaw MI, and the multiple health sector providers joined with local government and housing providers to target resources and services for the most vulnerable in the community as part of a series of real Health Center Case Studies engaged in effective Frequent User Initiatives in communities around the country. More Details...

Using Outreach Data to Support Health Center Board Engagement (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Outreach programs have unique access to community data that can enhance a health center’s governing board’s ability to make strategic decisions about providing appropriate and responsive care to patients in a financially sustainable manner. This webinar will address how to leverage outreach data to support health center planning and decision-making. HOP will present two effective tools that health center leadership, including board members, can use to inform their work: needs assessments and the Outreach Business Value Toolkit. More Details...

NNOHA Oral Health Program Start-Up Resources Toolkit (2016). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit provides resources that may be beneficial for a Health Center or safety-net organization considering starting up an oral health program and/or applying for an Oral Health Expansion Grant. More Details...

Finding Resources for Health and Housing Partnerships: Partnerships to Create New Funding Mechanisms (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Looking for resources to support your health center partnerships? This webinar highlights funding sources to seek out to support health partnerships with housing providers in their community More Details...

The Power of Stay Interviews (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar was presented on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. This session includes specific questions and tools, case studies of Stay Interview successes, and an accompanying method for forecasting future turnover. 3 learning objectives include: - Learn specific Stay Interview tools including questions to ask, data to record, and potential solutions. - Learn the four required skills leaders must learn to make their Stay Interviews successful. - Develop a tool to forecast employee turnover based on Stay Interview results. Dick Finnegan is CEO of C-Suite Analytics and also the author of four top-selling books including The Power of Stay Interviews which is the top-selling Society for Human Resource Management-published book in history. More Details...

Agricultural Health Safety Bilingual Picture Dictionary: "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words" (2016). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: MCN's Bilingual Picture Dictionary, "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words," illustrates work place hazards and best practices for health and safety in agriculture. Developed with support from the OSHA Susan Harwood Grant Program, this resource will bolster Hispanic workers' English vocabulary and will help prevent agricultural injuries. More Details...

Outreach Business Value Webinar: Increase Revenue & Avoid Costs (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar addresses the role outreach plays in 1) increasing patient revenue and grant funding and 2) leveraging community resources to avoid costs and capture non-clinical revenue. HOP presents how these topics are tied to financial benefits, and which outreach activities can contribute to seeing these benefits at your own organization. The webinar also includes an overview of HOP’s OBV Toolkit, including the return on investment calculators and the OBV frameworks: Dimensions of Outreach Program Integration and Strategic Framework. More Details...

Needs Assessment in Action Profiles (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: A community health needs assessment is a major undertaking for any health center. The Needs Assessment in Action Profiles: Innovative Approaches to Identifying the Needs of Underserved Communities is a resource for health centers to learn about effective strategies utilized by their peers. This resource offers examples of three innovative approaches that have been successfully implemented by health centers across the country. Each profile includes information on the population assessed, data collection methods, how findings were shared and applied, and lessons learned. Health centers can use this resource to apply proven strategies to the planning and implementation of their own needs assessment. More Details...

Civil Legal Aid 101 for Health Care (2016). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This new tool provides an overview of the composition, role, limitations, and impact of civil legal aid for health care partners. There is also an accompanying messaging guide to help HRSA-funded health centers understand medical-legal partnership. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit