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Displaying records 1781 through 1800 of 2406 found.

Financing Medical-Legal Partnerships: View From The Field (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: To date, over 350 health organizations - including over 120 HRSA funded health centers -have implemented medical-legal partnerships (MLPs). This fact sheet draws on national survey data from these organizations and their partnering legal organizations to describe programs’ average budgets as well as a variety of health, legal, and philanthropic funding streams that currently fund MLPs. It also discusses how MLPs are adapting to meet their funding challenges and highlights examples of programs implementing innovative Medicaid financing models to pay for MLP services. More Details...

Oral Health Infrastructure Toolkit: (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: In support of the FY19 HRSA Oral Health Infrastructure (OHI) funding, NNOHA developed this OHI Toolkit with resources to help health centers navigate through the funding opportunity. More Details...

Herramientas para la Infraestructura de Salud Oral: (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: NNOHA desarrolló estas herramientas para apoyar la oportunidad de financiar la Infraestructura de Salud Oral (AF19) y servir como guía que los centros de salud pueden utilizar en sus esfuerzos para mejorar la infraestructura y proveer nuevos servicios integrales de salud oral o mejorar los existentes. El desarrollo de estas herramientas también incorpora la información recopilada durante las sesiones regionales de retroalimentación para la Expansión del Servicio de Salud Oral (OHSE, por sus siglas en inglés) que la HRSA celebró durante el 2018. Los centros de salud pueden usar estas herramientas para evaluar su preparación para la expansión del servicio de salud oral. Además, proveen enlaces a los requisitos, reglamentos y recursos de la HRSA y ofrecen estrategias para mejorar y expandir la infraestructura de los centros comunitarios de salud, ya sea que ya ofrezcan los servicios dentales in situ o que no tengan servicios dentales en la actualidad. More Details...

Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Medication-Assisted Treatment at Health Care for the Homeless Programs (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This paper outlines strategies for how Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) programs can start or expand medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services to address the opioid epidemic. While HCH programs serve only four percent of all health center patients nationally, they are responsible for serving nearly 40 percent of all patients receiving MAT. More Details...

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness: Fact Sheet (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NNOHA and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council partnered to develop this fact sheet on oral health and diabetes for patients experiencing homelessness. This purpose is to highlight linkages between periodontal disease, diabetes, and homelessness, as well as address, frequently asked questions related to understanding and caring for individuals who are experiencing homelessness. More Details...

Non-Opioid Substance Use, Mental Health, & Homelessness: Healing Hands (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue of "Healing Hands" highlights the relationship between non-opioid substance use disorder, mental health, and homelessness. Approximately half of people experiencing homelessness have diagnosable substance use disorders at some point in their lives and experience stigma, serious mental illness, and poor health outcomes as a result. More Details...

Medical Respite Care Programs & the IHI Triple Aim Framework (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This policy brief takes a look at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Triple Aim framework and how medical respite care programs can add value to help health centers meet the three improvement goals of this model—population health, the patient’s experience of care, and the per capita cost of health care. More Details...

Implementing Mobile Dental Services in an Elder Care Facility: Promising Practice (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Harbor Health Services in MA identified a need for oral health care for the elderly population in their community. As a result, they implemented a program to offer dental services in an elder care facility in their community. This promising practice describes their program and lessons learned. More Details...

Health Policy Bulletin: Green Tobacco Sickness (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: FJ's Health Policy Bulletin summarizes recent developments in research and policy that impact agricultural worker health. The 2019 Health Policy Bulletin highlights policy and research to mitigate the harm of Green Tobacco Sickness (GTS) among agricultural workers. More Details...

Establishing a Dental Clinic in a Hospital Emergency Department: Promising Practice (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice follows Community Health Center of Franklin County in Massachushetts. This health center established a dental clinic in a hospital emergency department as an emergency room diversion strategy for patients experiencing dental problems. More Details...

EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers: 2014 through 2017, according to information reported in the UDS. (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: These graphs and tables use health center reported UDS data from 2014 through 2017 to identify the 10 EHRs most frequently used among health center programs, and shows the change between years. Updated in late 2018 with 2017 data, these graphs and tables use health center reported UDS data from 2014 through 2017 to identify the 10 EHRs most frequently used among health center programs, and shows the change between years. Download the PDFs below for all the information. 2014 and 2015 information was taken from the EHR Form in the UDS, and 2016 and 2017 information was retrieved from the Health IT Form in the UDS. 2018 information will be added when available. Each of these forms can be seen in the UDS manual for the given year here.  Efforts have been taken to normalize data for aggregation purposes such as to combine those that reported "Next Gen" and those that reported "NextGen"; otherwise, all information is used as reported by health centers without further verification.   More Details...

Oral Health - Full Partners on the Team (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, experts will discuss the clinical, organizational, data and technical opportunities and challenges to advancing or enhancing your model of oral health in team-based care. More Details...

Growing a Robust Behavioral Health Department (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: One of a health center's most valuable resources is its care provider network. Without a healthy and committed workforce, health centers don’t have sufficient access to meet patient demand for timely appointments or providers with the skill set to treat specific illnesses. In today's healthcare environment, many organizations struggle to build and maintain a provider profile that is diverse, comprehensive, and responsive. This webinar identifies barriers to recruiting and retaining behavioral health providers and strategies and explores common challenges faced by behavioral health leaders in providing clinical supervision and support for their department while balancing patient care and administrative responsibilities. More Details...

Using Financial and Operational Data to Plan for Growth (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Develop a framework for identifying strengths, challenges, and opportunities for performance improvement in preparation for growth, including best practices from Capital Link's one-on-one work with health centers. More Details...

Promoting CDC Tips® Campaign Materials to Public Housing Residents (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Public housing residents are more likely to smoke and suffer from health conditions that are exacerbated by smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The objectives of this study were to educate health care providers on the CDC Tips® From Former Smokers resources, to increase access to smoking cessation materials for public housing residents and the health care providers that serve them, and to evaluate the pilot project. More Details...

Medicaid FQHC PPS Checklist (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource outlines important information regarding the Medicaid FQHC Prospective Payment System. Federal law requires that State Medicaid agencies pay federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs or “health centers”) using a prospective payment system (PPS). This Medicaid FQHC Prospective Payment System Checklist is designed to assist FQHCs and Primary Care Associations (PCAs) in assessing FQHCs’ PPS rates and in pursuing strategies to make the PPS methodology work better. More Details...

Group Visits Fact Sheet (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource goes into detail on group visits in Medicare and Medicaid and how payment works. More Details...

Addressing the Opioid Crisis - Session #2 State Responses to the National Opioid Crisis: Practical approaches and funding opportunities for Health Centers, supportive housing providers and States confronting the opioid crisis. (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health Centers and supportive housing providers are confronting the opioid crisis head on in communities across the country with positive results. This session of a 2-part series highlights strategies of working with state agencies. More Details...

Socially Vulnerable Older Adults and Medical-Legal Partnership (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The report details three medical-legal partnership programs serving older adults and their impact on preventing homelessness, improving financial stability, and other social determinants. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Managing Data as a Strategic Asset: Data Governance Fundamentals (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, the HITEQ Center presented the essentials of good data management processes and introduce the Center for Care Innovation’s Data Governance Handbook, offering ideas for action and tools to improve data quality, increase data literacy, and maximize access to data. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit