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Quick Finds: Special and Vulnerable Populations


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Background. Special and Vulnerable Populations resources help health centers provide services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the patient population. For more information on serving Special and Vulnerable Populations, visit HRSA’s website.

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Results for: Topic Area = Special and Vulnerable Populations

Displaying records 1 through 50 of 1165.

Population Health Management Task Force National Learning Series 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This national learning series, sponsored by HRSA, takes a deeper dive into issues related to HIV, Diabetes, and Chronic comorbid disease management, which all impact population health management. More Details...

Enhancing Emergency Preparedness in Health Centers for Addressing IPV, HT, and Exploitation (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Historical data show that crises exacerbate rates of IPV and HT/E. This 4-page educational brief outlines strategies for enhancing emergency preparedness in health centers (HCs), focusing on intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and exploitation (E). By implementing improved protocols and strengthening community collaborations, HCs can better serve vulnerable populations during public health emergencies and natural disasters. Health Centers (HCs) provide essential care to 32.5 million people annually, including those uninsured and impoverished. IPV is a prevalent issue with 1 in 2 women and 2 in 5 men report experiencing IPV in their lifetime - patients who experience IPV, HT, and E experience a range of adverse health issues. Emergencies increase the incidence as survivors face heightened isolation and reduced access to services, making it critical for HCs to strengthen their preparedness. The brief is available as a PDF in English. More Details...

Current and Emerging Health Issues Affecting Public Housing and HUD-Assisted Residents - Addressing Vaccine Preventable Diseases Webinar Series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Health in Public Housing, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), hosted a webinar for community health center staff and partner community organizations with the aim to provide the latest information and recommendations on how health centers and public housing agencies can prepare to address vaccine preventable diseases among children, adults and seniors. Guest speakers from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provided information to participants on vaccination support strategies, and resources to foster partnerships, education and outreach. More Details...

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Understanding and Mitigating the Harms to Low-Income Communities (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: On December 11, 2024, at 4 pm ET, the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership and TechTonic Justice together with national experts from the Center for Democracy & Technology and the National Health Law Program, hosted a national webinar to explore how medical-Legal partnership practitioners, civil legal aid attorneys, health systems, and others can protect and empower patients, clients, and communities in the face of AI’s rapid advancements. Watch the recording below to gain actionable insights and collaborate on solutions that prioritize the well-being and rights of those most affected. More Details...

The Rising Incidence of Maternal Syphilis and What We Need to Do About It (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar discussed how to evaluate individuals at higher risk for becoming infected with syphilis and reviewed the screening tests, diagnosis, and treatment for pregnant individuals to minimize the risk of the fetus acquiring congenital syphilis. This webinar discussed direct patient care strategies to mitigate complications in the postpartum period. This training was in condition with the National Coalition of STD Directors. More Details...

Protéjase contra la gripe aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH ha creado un gráfico para las redes sociales con mensajes rápidos para los centros de salud y las organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este gráfico en las redes sociales y el mensaje designado educa y equipa a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, cómo identificar los síntomas y cómo acceder a una prueba.    More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Q'anjob'al: Kol ha b´a b´ay jun q´ahal ilya´ aviar H5N1   (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Nahuatl (orizaba variety): Ximomalhwi tlen pillo tsonpilli H5N1 kokolistli (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety): Kotova´ani mani ku´e xini chu´un nani H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Mam: Klonkub’tib’a ti’j tyab’il eky’ H5N1 tb’i (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in K'iche': Chachajij awib’ ruk’ le tza’maj kech ajxik’ awajib’ H5N1. (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Afrikaans: Beskerm jouself teen H5N1-voëlgriep (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Los trabajadores de lecherías corren el riesgo de contraer la influenza aviar H5N1, Cómo protegerse de este virus en el trabajo, folleto educativo   (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un nuevo recurso impreso sobre la influenza aviar H5N1, también conocida como gripe aviar, para los centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este recurso ofrece información para educar y equipar a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, como identificar los síntomas, y como acceder a una prueba.   More Details...

How Dairy Workers Can Protect Themselves While at Work from the H5N1 Bird Flu Public Service Announcement (PSA)    (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a long and short educational PSA with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This PSA educates educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.     More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer - English (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Nahuatl (orizaba variety) : Tekitianih tlen leche weli momawaseh ika influenza aviar kokolistli H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Nahuatl (orizaba variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mam : Aqe’ xjal in chi aq’unan toj yotz’ob’il ta’l kyim wakx jaka chi yab’ti tu’n kyab’il eky’ H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mam feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in K’iche’ : Le ajchakib’ pa taq tu’b’al wakax wene kkiriq ri tza’maj kech ajxik’ awajib’ yab’ilal H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud K’iche’ audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) : Te´e kasatiu nu lechería o ndasi ka ja ke´en ña kue nani Influenza aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description:  NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Afrikaans : Suiwelwerkers is in gevaar vir H5N1-voëlgriep (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description:  NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Afrikaans audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Q’anjob’al : Heb´ chi mulnaj yin yal yim no´ no´ akawal chi je´ b´onchajtoq yuj q´ahal ilya´ aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Q’anjob’al audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Cómo pueden protegerse los trabajadores de lecherías durante el trabajo de la gripe aviar H5N1 Anuncio de servicio público (PSA, por sus siglas en inglés)    (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un PSA educativo corto y largo con mensajes rápidos para los centros de salud y las organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este PSA educa y equipa a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, cómo identificar los síntomas y cómo acceder a una prueba.    More Details...

Safeguarding Home Environments: Addressing Environmental Risks for Aging and Disabled Populations in Public Housing (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Environmental risks, such as poor housing conditions and safety hazards, significantly impact the health and quality of life of aging and disabled individuals living in public housing. In this webinar, the National Center for Public Housing (NCHPH) and the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium explored strategies and resources that can help health centers mitigate environmental hazards, ensuring safer home environments to better protect and enhance the well-being of aging and disabled residents in public housing. More Details...

Ways to Connect with Patients Who Have a Rising Body Mass Index (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Patients with elevated BMIs and a diagnosis of overweight or obesity often need support to assist with establishing healthy behaviors that extend beyond the patient-provider interactions. Connections with community resources and technological devices are examples of the support options available to patients in health centers. This webinar provides information on how health centers coordinate care with community food resources and community wellness centers. This training is in conjunction with HealthLeads. More Details...

The Intersection of HIV, Aging, and Housing: Considerations for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar from the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders (NCECE), the National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH), and the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center focused on integrated solutions for supporting older adults living with HIV to safely age in their community of choice. More Details...

Screening for SDOH and Social Risk Factors in HIV-Vulnerable Populations: A Guide for Health Centers Serving Residents of Public Housing and HUD-Assisted Individuals (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers can support HIV+ patients and those vulnerable to HIV by integrating screening for the SDOH into their standard operating procedures. In this reference guide, we present a step-by step approach to integrating SDOH screening into the clinical and social support operations of health centers and PHAs. More Details...

Screening for Violence Risk in People Living with Disabilities (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Violence is a major public health concern and human rights violation which has significant and long-lasting detrimental consequences. More Details...

Navigating Comprehensive Care for Refugees: Integrating Clinical Care, Cultural Sensitivity, and Community Collaboration (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Kasey Harding, Director of the Center for Key Populations at Community Health Center, Inc., this webinar will explore clinical and cultural considerations depending on the country of origin, patient education, challenges in documentation, and care coordination with community organizations. This webinar will also include clinical and support staff to discuss lessons learned and best practices for operational aspects of refugee health clinics. More Details...

Using Performance Improvement Methods to Improve Your BMI Follow-up Plan Measure (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Uniform Data Set has a preventive care measure for BMI screening and a Follow-up Plan. For patients with an elevated BMI outside the normal range, a plan for how to improve their BMI is required. This training provides tips on prioritizing this measure in the quality program and sharing data across the organization. This training is in conjunction with i2i Population Health. More Details...

Using Geriatric Principles to Care for Aging Patients Living with HIV (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As the United States population ages and the survival rate of individuals living with HIV increases, there is a need to incorporate geriatric principles and assessments into the health center workflow when providing care for aging patients living with HIV. This webinar will provide recommendations on the optimal environment of care as well as how to assess a patient’s function and quality of life. More Details...

Strategies for Supporting People with Behavioral Health Needs in Medical Respite Care (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This course builds on the previous courses to provide an overview and recommendations on how programs can support people with behavioral health needs. This course focuses on identifying specific strategies that can be utilized by program staff to increase the staff and programs'; ability to address the needs of people with behavioral health conditions. More Details...

Safety and Security for CHW's: Trauma-Informed Approach, Cultural Humility, Community Partnerships (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: Safety and Security for Community Health Workers (CHWs): Trauma-Informed Approach, Cultural Humility, and Community Partnerships online course offers intermediate teaching of the concepts and skills associated with trauma informed care, cultural humility, and community partnerships in the context of creating a physically and psychologically safe environment for CHWs and community members. More Details...

Program Approaches to Supporting People with Behavioral Health Needs in Medical Respite Care (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This course builds on the previous courses to provide an overview and recommendations on how programs can support people with behavioral health needs. The course focuses on building programmatic policies and structures that can increase the programs\' ability to address the needs of people with behavioral health conditions. More Details...

Medical Respite Playbook: A Practical Guide for Managed Care Plans (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The goal of this Medical Respite Playbook online course is to provide Managed Care Plans (MCPs) with information about the philosophy and practice of medical respite care, and offer suggestions on how MCPs can most effectively partner with medical respite care programs. More Details...

Foundations of LGBTQIA+ Health Care and Homelessness: Terminology, Concepts, and Best Practices (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This 90-minute webinar will provide participants with an introduction to foundational terminology and concepts related to LGBTQIA+ identity and experience of homelessness with a focus on LGBTQIA+ health care. Participants will learn about healthcare disparities and applicable clinical practices that participants can integrate into their own contexts. More Details...

Do No Harm: Injection Related Wounds - Non-Clinical Interventions (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This training is intended to provide practical information for non-clinicians on how to provide safe and ethical wound care education and dressings for injection related wounds, with a focus on xylazine. The training is also appropriate for clinicians with limited experience in treating wounds. The course will cover three main areas: ethical considerations in wound care for people experiencing homelessness, basic wound care principles that can be applied by both service providers and clients, and information on safe dressings and how to use them. The information provided on ethical considerations, education for clients, and the use of basic dressings is applicable beyond just injection related wounds. More Details...

Creating Care and Discharge Plans for People Experiencing Homelessness who are Hospitalized Toolkit (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The goal of this toolkit is to provide concrete resources to hospital staff to support the care and discharge planning process for patients who are unstably housed. More Details...

Lessons Learned: Transitions of Care for People Experiencing Homelessness in the Hospital Setting (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: CommonSpirit Health, USC Street Medicine, and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) hosted a 90-minute webinar discussing the unique and complex needs of individuals experiencing homelessness during and post hospitalization. This webinar provides concrete ways for hospital teams and community providers to support unhoused individuals during hospitalization. More Details...

Caring for LGBTQIA+ Youth at Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, this webinar will focus on both disparities and resilience among LGBTQIA+ youth, including practical strategies for reaching and engaging LGBTQIA+ youth into primary care and behavioral health care. In addition to learning of health risks faced by LGBTQIA+ youth, webinar participants will become more familiar with LGBTQIA+ youth culture, and will learn of ways to forge trusting relationships and create welcoming environments. More Details...

Basic Safety Precautions and Considerations for Community Health and Outreach Workers (2024). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This course will provide community health workers and others who deliver services outside of a brick and mortar building with safety awareness and security skills relevant to their supportive roles at health centers. More Details...

Integrating Behavioral Health into Pediatric Care, Part 1 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar series (Part 1 and Part 2) will explore the critical integration of behavioral health into pediatric care, addressing the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among children and adolescents. Recent statistics reveal that up to 20 percent of children experience mental health disorders, emphasizing the urgent need for a holistic approach to pediatric health care. With the shortage of child and adolescent psychiatrists and therapists, addressing behavioral health in primary care is critical. More Details...

Addressing Mental Health Experiences Among Subpopulations of Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This two-part article series highlights the vital role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in addressing mental health challenges faced by Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs). CHWs leverage their deep understanding of community needs and cultural sensitivities to facilitate open discussions about mental health, combat stigma, and connect individuals to essential resources. By encouraging open dialogue and mutual support, communities can effectively tackle mental health disparities. More Details...

Babies Born With Congenital Syphilis: What Happens Next? (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Congenital syphilis cases are on the rise. The transmission of spirochete Treponema pallidum from a pregnant individual to a fetus is the main method of infection. Evaluation for congenital syphilis is warranted in all infants born to mothers who have reactive nontreponemal and treponemal tests for syphilis during pregnancy More Details...

Communicating with and about People with Disabilities (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: According to the CDC, about 1 in 4, or 61 million U.S. adults report having some form of disability. Communication with people with disabilities is part of the human experience, but sometimes people use words or phrases that are insensitive and do not promote understanding, dignity, and respect for people with disabilities. More Details...

Disaster Equity: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery for LGBTQIA+ Patients of Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Climate change and natural disasters pose substantial threats to communities, the effects of which are exacerbated by inequalities in vulnerable populations—particularly those with intersectional marginalized identities (e.g., LGBTQIA+ people who are Black, Indigenous, and/or have a disability) and are disproportionately affected by chronic disease. It is vital that health centers pay special attention to the marginalized communities who have been historically forgotten in emergency preparedness and response plans. Social determinants of health such as stigma, discrimination, violence, neighborhood characteristics, transportation, and a lack of recognition of families and relationships in institutional policies dramatically impact the effects of natural disasters on LGBTQIA+ people. This publication will summarize the issues at hand and provide strategies for health centers to promote disaster management equity for LGBTQIA+ patients. More Details...

Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Children Whose Parents Are Involved in a Custody Dispute (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this brief is to: Provide a foundation and context for clinicians to feel better prepared and confident to educate family court professionals Offer best practices to illustrate how clinicians can appropriately and compassionately navigate care when co-parents disagree regarding medically necessary interventions Assist clinicians as they consider structural interventions to improve outcomes for TGD children and their families in the family court system More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Dashboard Design Guide Spotlight for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This HITEQ webinar taught about how to use our Health Center Dashboard Design Guide, a comprehensive guide to user-centered dashboard design for health center staff. More Details...

An Introduction to Anal Cancer and Anal Dysplasia Screening (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Dr. Ami Multani, this webinar will present the current evidence base on screening (living with and without HIV) for anal cancer, and will discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of screening patients in primary care. Resources will be provided on further training for performing anal Pap and high-resolution anoscopy. More Details...

El Transporte es un Tema de Equidad en la Salud (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Spanish translation of the Transportation is a Health Equity Issue factsheet investigates how transportation impacts access to care & other social drivers of health, analyzes unmet needs and gaps in laws or policies affecting access to transportation, uncovers the structural factors predisposing marginalized populations to reduced access to transportation and provides recommendations to health centers on addressing patient transportation inequities and barriers. More Details...

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit