Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Displaying records 1881 through 1900 of 2406 found.

Federal Food Assistance in the Event of a Disaster: An Emergency Preparedness Resource (Spanish) (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Information about available food assistance after a major disaster. More Details...

Federal Food Assistance in the Event of a Disaster: An Emergency Preparedness Resource (Haitian Creole) (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Information about available food assistance after a major disaster. More Details...

Multi-system Coordination: Building and Maintaining a Coordinated Provider Community: Highlights examples of health and housing multi-system coordination for very complex patients (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: People experiencing homelessness are at the intersection of multiple systems, including health, housing, and the justice system. This webinar highlights examples of multi-system coordination for very complex patients that aim to not only increase access to care but also to collaboratively manage care among multiple providers. More Details...

Understanding and Addressing the Health Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Strategies for Increasing Access and Quality Care for Hard to Reach Youth (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Significant health disparities including higher rates of mental health and substance use impact youth experiencing homelessness, yet they are at risk of underutilizing services and care. This webinar explores the needs of youth experiencing homelessness with an emphasis on LGBTQ youth, best practices in providing care, and the intersection of behavioral health for this vulnerable population. More Details...

Population Specific Approaches to SDOH: Elderly, LGBT, Migrant Workers and Public Housing Residents (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Individuals within certain special and vulnerable populations experience health inequalities and therefore are at a higher risk of late detection, inadequate management and treatment of diabetes. Improved access to certain non-clinical enabling services and a comprehensive social history is essential to understanding the needs of these often overlooked individuals, and developing interventions that address those needs. More Details...

Recruitment & Retention Case Studies: Stories from the Field (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report is the result of interviews conducted in March 2017 with staff at five health centers around the country who have dealt with a variety of specific challenges in their recruitment and retention efforts. Documenting the challenges faced by these health centers the report, details the interventions that have been employed to address them, and the processes and resources that were helpful in implementing these interventions. Each interviewee stressed that their “best practices” are a work in progress and that they are constantly looking to improve. More Details...

Ensuring People with Chronic Conditions Maintain Access to Care (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This story series follows the Whitman Walker Health Center medical-legal partnership team as they helped prevent platinum insurance plans that were widely used by patients with chronic conditions from being eliminated in the D.C. Marketplace More Details...

Understanding and Addressing Hypertension and Heart Health in Your Community: A Quick Guide For Community Health Workers (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Understanding and Addressing Hypertension and Heart Health in Your Community: A Quick Guide For Community Health Workers provides information surrounding hypertension and heart health. Inside you will find tools for Community Health Workers to use to guide patients with hypertension towards a healthier future. The guide also comes with a blood pressure tracker, which can be shared with patients as they track their progress towards their blood pressure goals. More Details...

Suicide and Homelessness: Data Trends in Suicide and Mental Health Among Homeless Populations (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This fact sheet details common risk factors for suicidal behaviors, mental health and clinical utilization trends of HCH grantees reported in the 2016 Uniform Data System dataset, and circumstantial data reported in the National Violent Death Reporting System. More Details...

Know Your A1C Tool / Conozca Su A1C (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: One of the most commonly reported positive health outcomes in Community Health Worker-led diabetes interventions is the improvement/stabilization of A1C levels reported in patients. The hemoglobin A1C test is a marker widely used to diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes and to monitor diabetes control in patients. More Details...

Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions: A Resource for Program Managers and Administrators is a resource for Community Health Worker program managers and administrators. It explains how Community Health Worker-led intervention programs can positively impact patients who have hypertension. About 75 million American adults (1 in every 3) have high blood pressure. Although high blood pressure can be easily detected and can be controlled with lifestyle changes and medication, almost a third of individuals with hypertension don’t know they have it, and only about half have it under control. Due to their close understanding of and trust from the communities they serve, CHWs can be particularly strong champions for patients with hypertension and/or at risk of heart disease. More Details...

What's new in STI epidemiology, prevention, and treatment for Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)? (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Rates of syphilis and gonorrhea have been increasing in the United States, and most cases occur in men who have sex with men (MSM). In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Ard will review recent trends in STIs and examine causes for these trends. He will also discuss the controversial impact of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on STI incidence among MSM. Dr. Ard will outline steps clinicians and health centers can take to address STIs in 2018. More Details...

Keeping Children Safe From Lead Poisoning (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This story series follows the medical-legal partnership at Erie Family Health Centers, which built a multi-state coalition to secure children’s health by updating federal regulations related to lead levels in federal housing. More Details...

Eliminating Hurdles to Life Saving Medication (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This story series follows the Whitman-Walker Health medical-legal partnership, which worked with insurance companies to remove requirements forcing Post-Exposure Prophylaxis medications to be filled by mail More Details...

Creating and Managing Strong Passwords at Your Health Center: Guidance in relation to updated NIST security requirements and HIPAA (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Is it acceptable/recommended for health centers to adopt the new password policy guidelines under NIST Special Publication 800-63B and will that still uphold the HIPAA security rule? This question had been posed to the HITEQ Center asking whether we had any guidance or recommendations on implementing the new NIST Guidelines regarding password security.  New Digital Identity Guidelines under NIST Special Publication 800-63-B presents new guidelines regarding password security that are much more user-friendly and consequently more likely to be observed by health center staff since constantly changing, complex password on multiple systems can be a source of frustration for the end user.  Question: Is it acceptable/recommended for health centers to adopt the new password policy guidelines under NIST Special Publication 800-63B and will that still uphold the HIPAA security rule? This question had been posed to the HITEQ Center asking whether we had any guidance or recommendations on implementing the new NIST Guidelines regarding password security.  New Digital Identity Guidelines under NIST Special Publication 800-63-B presents new guidelines regarding password security that are much more user-friendly and consequently more likely to be observed by health center staff since constantly changing, complex password on multiple systems can be a source of frustration for the end user.  After consulting with HITEQ cybersecurity experts and consultants who have helped publish cybersecurity guidelines, the recommendations outlined below were communicated. Answer: The short answer is Yes. HIPAA is not prescriptive and takes the general stance that authentication mechanisms should be “reasonable and appropriate” for the risk they present. Being able to say that you are implementing NIST Standards is a good way to show that you are implementing “reasonable and appropriate” controls. Some standards are relaxed in regards to password change and complexity, those items shouldn’t be taken in isolation. The additional controls in the 800-63 recommendations should also be put in place and can include: Having users check passwords against password lists from breaches e.g.,  Increasing the length requirements Getting rid of password reminder questions Increasing usability Further Guidance from NCCIC/US-CERT: NCCIC/US-CERT reminds users of the importance of creating and managing strong passwords. Passwords are often the only barrier between you and your personal information. There are several programs attackers can use to help guess or "crack" passwords. However, choosing strong passwords and keeping them confidential can make it more difficult for others to access your information. NCCIC/US-CERT recommends users take the following actions: Use multi-factor authentication when available. Use different passwords on different systems and accounts. Don't use passwords that are based on personal information that can be easily accessed or guessed. Use the longest password or passphrase permissible by each password system. Don't use words that can be found in any dictionary of any language. Refer to Tips on Choosing and Protecting Passwords and Supplementing Passwords for best practices and additional information. More Details...

Helping Kids Get At-Home Care (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: What would you do if your one-year old child depended on a ventilator to breathe, and the home nursing care needed to monitor it wasn’t available? Would you keep your child in the hospital indefinitely? Would you quit your job to be home with your child, and stay up all night to make sure they didn’t stop breathing? Would you put them in a long-term nursing facility 80 miles away where they’d have the care they needed, but where you wouldn’t see them for days at a time? In 2015, for several parents in Washington State, the heartbreaking answer to all these questions was yes. More Details...

Increasing Access To Care thorugh Tele-Dentistry: Promising Practice (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend among health centers to expand access to dental care. This promising practice will discuss the story of Ravenswood Family Health Center in California and their use of the virtual dental home model. More Details...

Facing the Challenges of Oral Health for Seniors (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explores the characteristics of the senior population that directly affect elder oral health care delivery, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The emphasis is on the important connections between oral health and the total health of elder individuals. More Details...

Promising Practices for Health Centers Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Profiles in Health and Housing Partnerships Serving Young Adults (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This case study profiles Health Centers engaging and serving youth facing the challenges of homelessness on the street and in community based housing More Details...

Housing Solutions for People Experiencing Homelessness: Healing Hands (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue of Healing Hands is dedicated to key housing approaches and models that may be utilized in housing programs, with a special focus on some of the challenges involved in housing families and a spotlight on lessons learned from care providers about how to create supportive structures and communities for people transitioning into housing. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit