Please Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment
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Displaying records 161 through 180 of 205 found.

Communications & Outreach Toolkit — COVID-19: Resources & Templates to help Health Centers Communicate information about services and programs during the Coronavirus Outbreak (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Resources and templates Health Centers and PCAs can use to communicate information about services and programs to a variety of audiences, including the media, patients, prospective patients, community partners, during the Coronavirus outbreak. Resources include templates and documents like fact sheets, flyers, media relations templates, video animations, and more. More Details...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Resources and Information: Spanish and English (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: We at Migrant Clinicians Network have a priority to support both clinicians and the vulnerable patients they serve. MCN continually develops strategies and resources to support health centers, health departments, community groups, and clinicians as they reach out to communities that are often overlooked and give care to patients who might otherwise have nowhere to go. We remain highly concerned for the vulnerable populations that already encounter numerous barriers to health and to care. More Details...

Telephone and Virtual Visits: Operational Considerations (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Tips and scripts for health center organizations to use in conducting telehealth visits with patients. More Details...

Juntos Nos Movemos: Parents and Children Making the Time to Move Together (2020). Resource Type: Archived In-Person Training. Description: Juntos Nos Movemos aims to prevent and reduce childhood obesity by helping agricultural worker parents make the most of their limited free time with their children by engaging in a variety of fun and culturally-appropriate physical activities. The curriculum and accompanying materials (trainer’s guide, flipchart, and worksheet, available in English and Spanish) are for outreach staff to share with agricultural worker patients. More Details...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Homeless Shelters and Homeless Service Providers (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This infographic is meant for clients experiencing homelessness and the people who serve them to learn more about COVID-19 and measures to prevent its spread. More Details...

Nurse Closer Process: Using Nonclinician Staff to Make Patient Visits More Efficient (2019). Resource Type: Other. Description: The Nurse Closer process was designed and implemented to use non clinician staff to make patient visits more efficient. The model drives quality by combining team-based care with technology and allows all team members to work at the maximum capacity of their license. The goal of the process is to achieve higher value care with out increasing clinical expenses or provider burn out. More Details...

HUD Policy Brief: for Health Centers - Rural Homelessness: Understanding the Role and Impact of Housing Policy for Health Centers (Rural Homelessness) (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: HUD's 'All Routes Home' initiative targets resources and technical assistance to strengthen collaborations in rural communities to address needs of homeless and vulnerable populations. More Details...

Treating Global Health At Your Doorstep Starts with a Good Patient History: The most potent, cost-effective, and accurate diagnostic tool that we have even in our advanced age of technology remains an accurate and comprehensive linguistically and culturally appropriate patient history. (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Technology is a vital part of our society. It has been critical in the advancement of medicine; however, in some cases there is an overdependence by clinicians on diagnostic technology which may impede a fuller understanding of the circumstances of patients in the exam room. The most potent, cost-effective, and accurate diagnostic tool that we have even in our advanced age of technology remains an accurate and comprehensive linguistically and culturally appropriate patient history. In this webinar, Dr. Ed Zuroweste and Dr. Laszlo Madaras, who collectively have over 50 years of practice in primary care, ask the question, “Has it become so normal to ask for tests for the most basic assessments that part of the art of medicine is being lost?” The presenters will explore the value of taking a culturally and linguistically appropriate history from the patient together with a thorough – and focused – physical exam. Spending a few minutes with the patient asking open-ended questions may save time and money by: getting the correct diagnosis and treatment plan; preventing expensive, unnecessary, and potentially harmful tests; reducing the number of specialists who may not need to see the patient; and even possibly improving patient satisfaction. The session will look at the impact of global health conditions on primary care practice in the United States and describe what primary care clinics can do to more systematically prepare for emerging diseases. At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to: More Details...

Effective Partnerships Guide: Improving Oral Health for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Children and their Families (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this guide is to create an opportunity for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) programs and health centers to learn more about each other’s programs, share resources, foster new partnerships and strengthen ones already in place. Although the guide focuses primarily on oral health, information about medical health services is included. More Details...

HITEQ Health App Decision Tree: A tool developed In collaboration with the Children's Health Fund to help choose appropriate Health Apps (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: There are thousands of consumer health applications health apps, which run on smartphones, watches, tablets, and other mobile devices. These Health Apps are available for download for general consumers, patients, and healthcare professionals. Currently, there is no governmental agency that provides certification or guidance on health apps, although there are several projects from organizations such as HL7, the FDA, ONC, and OCR that are working to provide guidance. User discrepancy in terms of the validity and safety of the health apps they choose to use are primarily based on ratings or recommendations. This guide seeks to provide a health app decision tree that can assist medical professionals and consumers in making wise choices when using health apps. There are thousands of consumer health applications health apps, which run on smartphones, watches, tablets, and other mobile devices. These health apps are available for download for general consumers, patients, and healthcare professionals. Currently, there is no governmental agency that provides certification or guidance on health apps, although there are several projects from organizations such as HL7, the FDA, ONC, and OCR that are working to provide guidance. User discrepancy in terms of the validity and safety of the health apps they choose to use are primarily based on ratings or recommendations. This guide seeks to provide a health app decision tree that can assist medical professionals and consumers in making wise choices when using health apps. The Children's Health Fund was made aware of a use case in which a health app that was targeted for use by adults was used for a child and consequently caused a detrimental health issue. Currently there are no certifying bodies for consumer-oriented health apps and consequently many doctors must navigate this domain themselves. This guide seeks to provide a health app decision tree that can assist medical professionals and consumers in making wise choices when using health apps. Download the decision tree below. More Details...

Current Population Health Management in Health Centers: The Case for Implementing Population Health Management and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This is a 27-slide module on population health management in the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). The module provides several examples of current initiatives that support PHM and SDM as well as the use of these concept in supporting health equity in navigating the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is a 27-slide module on population health management in the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). The module provides several examples of current initiatives that support population health management and social determinants of health as well as the use of these concept in supporting health equity in navigating the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The module also serves to specifically outline the rationale of PHM in areas of cost efficiency, quality improvement and patient care including value-based reimbursement and risk contracts, targeting care and resources to improve outcomes, and patient engagement and care management.   More Details...

Patient Satisfaction Quick Guide: Addressing Patient Satisfaction in Health Care for the Homeless Projects (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This quick guide examines how HCH grantees can gather and utilize patient satisfaction data to improve patient experiences. Patient satisfaction is a key measure of quality health care, and regular assessment is required for all Health Center Program Grantees. “Addressing Patient Satisfaction in Health Care for the Homeless Projects” provides a succinct review of the strategies necessary to plan for, collect, and respond to such information. These practice recommendations emerged from a 2015 focus group of expert HCH administrators and client advocates, HRSA guidance, and scientific literature. More Details...

Tips for Telehealth Communication (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: A tip and strategies sheet developed to help healthcare providers improve communication with patients during telehealth encounters. More Details...

Status Verification of Agricultural Workers Policy and Procedures (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This tool is used by health centers to obtain accurate and current information from people seeking health care services in order to establish them as users and determine their agricultural worker status under the Migrant Health Program. More Details...

Self-Declaration- Intro and Points to Remember (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This factsheet include information on self-declaration which is a practical mechanism to document family income and family size for individual having difficulty to show other documents. Any alternative mechanism that is established must have a board-approved policy, a procedure, and must be available to all patients, regardless of income level, sliding fee scale pay class or population type. More Details...

Self-Declaration - Sample Form (2017). Resource Type: Template . Description: Sample form for patient self-declaration. Self-declaration is a practical mechanism to document family income and family size for individual having difficulty to show other documents. More Details...

Sample Patient Registration Forms -English (2016). Resource Type: Template . Description: A template questionnaire for new patient registration. More Details...

Sample Patient Registration Forms - Spanish (2016). Resource Type: Template . Description: Un cuestionario modelo para el registro de nuevos pacientes. More Details...

Sample Needs Assessment (2011). Resource Type: Template . Description: This short survey sample helps health centers assess the health care needs of the farmworker population. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit