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Displaying records 101 through 120 of 234 found.

Interim Lessons Learn from the Pandemic: COVID-19 & the HCH Community (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: COVID-19 continues to be an international pandemic and the experiences over the past 18 months have shown there are more effective ways to provide care to vulnerable people. The challenge now is to extend these improvements to all communities and make them permanent. While the pandemic is not yet over, this issue brief outlines five “lessons learned” (and related strategies) that have improved systems of care and heightened public health interventions for people experiencing homelessness. More Details...

Medical Respite Standards (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Medical Respite Care is acute and post-acute recuperative care for people experiencing homelessness who are ready for hospital discharge but too frail to recover on the streets or in shelters. This resource constitutes the first and only national standards for medical respite care. They are meant to improve quality and consistency across a range of medical respite programs and to improve opportunities for research and federal funding. More Details...

Health & Housing Partnership E-Learning Guide: Self-Pace E-Learning - Strategic Health and Housing Partnership Guilde (2021). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This self-paced e-learning offers strategic guidance in building, assessing and/or strengthening various types of partnerships between Health Center Program Grantees, behavioral health providers and supportive housing providers. More Details...

Where Does Homelessness Happen?: Understanding the Definitions of Homelessness (2021). Resource Type: Other. Description: This infographic succinctly depicts the various shelter arrangements that constitute the breadth of homelessness, distinguishing major differences between federal definitions, with considerations for screening. More Details...

Health Care for the Homeless Health Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fact Sheet (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This factsheet follows data submitted by health centers that have been tracking their testing, positivity, and vaccination rates. For research and advocacy concerns, this factsheet highlights affected demographics by COVID-19 by denoting rates of transmission during April 2020-March 2021. More Details...

Clinical Issues for Medical Respite/Recuperative Care Programs: Webinar Series (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Medical respite/recuperative care refers to programs that provide acute and post-acute care to people expeiencing homelessness who are too ill or frail to recover on the streets or in shelters but are ready for hospital discharge. This archived webinar series addresses three piority topics in the medical respite setting: addressing activities of daily living (ADL); addressing chronic conditions; and managing incontinence. Each webinar is accompanied by a clinical guidelines publication. More Details...

Pathways for Incorporating Occupational Therapy Services into Medical Respite/ Recuperative Care Programs (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The recourse identifies several pathways that medical respite programs can follow to integrate and engage occupational therapy services. Programs will need to consider which model aligns with their delivery of services and funding capabilities. The goal is to ensure each consumer of the medical respite program has access to high quality health services, supporting their overall recovery and health goals. More Details...

Lessons Learned in Data Sharing & Care Coordination (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication summarizes the lessons learned from conversations with Health Care for the Homeless health center consumers and providers as health centers work to create coordinated care systems through data. More Details...

Clinical Guidelines for Medical Respite/ Recuperative Care: Activities of Daily Living (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Programs should utilize this guideline to consider modifications to their programs and admission criteria while maintaining safety, an appropriate scope of practice, and conscientious utilization of available respite beds and services. This document provides guidance to understanding ADL, levels of assistance, and potential interventions that may be implemented within the medical respite setting. More Details...

Clinical Guidelines for Medical Respite Care: Chronic Conditions (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Medical respite/recuperative programs should utilize this guideline to consider opportunities for modifications to their programs and services to more intentionally address chronic condition management within their scope of services. This document provides guidance to increase understanding of chronic conditions, condition management, and potential interventions that may be implemented within the medical respite/ recuperative care setting. More Details...

Clinical Guidelines for Medical Respite Care: Incontinence (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Incontinence is often perceived as a behavioral issue, there are many physiological, medical, and environmental factors leading to incontinence, many of which are occur at greater rates for people experiencing homelessness. Incontinence is a condition that can be treated and managed, and medical respite/ recuperative care presents an opportunity to address this prevalent health need. More Details...

Approaches to Financing Medical Respite/Recuperative Care Programs (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Also known as recuperative care, medical respite care is short-term care for individuals experiencing homelessness who are too frail to recover from illness or injury on the streets or in shelters but not sick enough to remain in the hospital. This white paper describes trends and opportunities for funding medical respite programs and services and offers methods to expand and scale programs through innovative financing mechanisms and increased flexibility in payment policy. The paper outlines various approaches to finance medical respite programs, offering providers, state and federal Medicaid leadership, policymakers, and managed care organizations (MCOs) specific partnership options to ensure continuity and quality of care for patients with long-term health and housing needs. More Details...

Heat-Related Illness Clinician’s Guide: This guide provides information to clinicians on the prevention and treatment of heat-related illness. (2021). Resource Type: Other. Description: Agricultural work, which requires performing physically demanding work for long hours in hot and sometimes humid weather, places workers at high risk. This guide provides information to clinicians on the prevention and treatment of heat-related illness. Since workers may not be familiar with all of the symptoms of heat stress, it is important that clinicians discuss heat illness symptoms and prevention with agricultural workers and others who are at risk. More Details...

Oral Health and Behavioral Health in Patients Experiencing Homelessness (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NNOHA and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council developed this publication to bring awareness to the intersection of oral health and behavioral health concerns or cognitive impairment in people experiencing homelessness. The publication will share the impacts of behavioral health illness on oral health and how behavioral health and dental providers can work together to address this intersection in their practices. More Details...

Harm Reduction for Healthcare in Health Center Settings: Three-part video series to explore harm reduction strategies to address substance use disorders. (2021). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: Online video series higlight what harm reduction is, how it can be applied in the health center setting, ans strategies to incorporate into training, policies and workflows. More Details...

Understanding Housing Options for Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Explore harm reduction, recovery and supportive housing (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Webinar helps health center staff understand how to identify and access housing models to address the needs of persons with substance use disorders. More Details...

Nutrition & Diabetes Prevention: A Cross-Sector Conversation: A Cross-Sector Conversation on Diabetes Prevention (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Webinar Series to increase knowledge of diabetes prevention and nutrition for individuals experiencing housing instability More Details...

Increasing Access to COVID-19 Vaccines Among Homeless Populations: Successful Partnerships Series (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar series highlighted successful partnerships between Health Care for the Homeless health centers and local governments around the United States in their efforts to effectively get vaccines to people experiencing homelessness. More Details...

Trust or Trustworthiness: Which Comes First? (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Among calls to overcome \"vaccine hesitancy\" among historically marginalized populations, this webinar (part 1 of a 2-part series) posits that to achieve trust (in vaccines), we must first become trustworthy. More Details...

So You Want to Start a Health Care for the Homeless Program (2021). Resource Type: Other. Description: This two-page quick guide answers the common question: How do I become an HCH grantee? It addresses both existing health center grantees and non-health-center prospective applicants. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit