Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Displaying records 881 through 900 of 2406 found.

Flu Outreach and Social Media Toolkit for Agricultural Workers (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit provides information and tangible tools to support health centers and other community-based organizations on using social media platforms to share effective messaging about the flu to agricultural workers and their families. This toolkit will assist outreach educators, community health workers and other staff members in assessing current social media efforts and outcomes and help identify new opportunities for increasing agricultural worker engagement through tailored social media messaging and cross-promotions with partners. More Details...

Excelling in Your Role as a Health Center Leader (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This 4-part series provides the essential skills and tools needed to be an effective leader and not just “the boss.” Learn how to motivate employees and how to manage relationships. Learn the keys to effective communication, become a listening leader, and how to develop a culture ripe for curiosity and innovation. More Details...

Business Continuity Planning Interactive Learning Modules (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: These interactive learning modules are intended to provide community health centers and primary care associations with self-guided learning tools to create and/or improve their business continuity plans and programs. More Details...

Telehealth Sustainability Worksheet (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This worksheet is provided as a basic tool to assist in basic business model development for FQHC/RHC/IHS and is based on the model of purchasing blocks of time by the hour with a specialty care or primary care provide. This tool is to help guide decisions related to contracting with a provider and how selecting a service provider will likely affect sustainability. More Details...

Telehealth Classroom - Online Training Course (2022). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This Telehealth Classroom training portal has been developed by the federally funded Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), to assist regional stakeholders, including health systems, health centers, providers, and health professions students to successfully implement telehealth. More Details...

Teledentistry Readiness Assessment (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This document outlines key areas for the successful implementation of teledentistry. It also includes a readiness assessment for community health centers to determine the level of readiness in their organization for teledentistry. More Details...

State Telehealth Laws and Medicaid Program Policies, Fall 2022 (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Center for Connected Health Policy’s (CCHP) Fall 2022 Summary Report of the state telehealth laws and Medicaid program policies provides a summary of the current status of telehealth policy in the states as of October 2022. CCHP provides these bi-annual summary reports in the Spring and Fall each year to provide a snapshot of the progress made in the past six months. CCHP is committed to providing timely policy information that is easy for users to navigate and understand through our Policy Finder. The information for this summary report covers updates in state telehealth policy made between July and early September 2022. More Details...

Connections to Housing: Everything You Need to Know on HMIS and Becoming a Coordinated Entry Access Point (2022). Resource Type: Webinar. Description:  Homelessness Continuum of Care (CoC) is the primary resource for individuals experiencing homelessness or housing instability in their local community. Access points within a CoC are vital organizational partners that conduct assessment and screening for prioritization of housing resources. This pre-recorded module and accompanying resource document will provide information to health centers interested in becoming an Access Point within their CoC. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH): Targeted Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Resources for Health Care for the Homeless Centers (HCH) Considering Adopting SDOH Screening (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) invests in T/TA to support health center clinical, operational, and fiscal excellence. To increase awareness and utilization of the T/TA resources developed by BPHC-funded T/TA providers, BPHC staff have created targeted (T/TA) resources, which include curated resources in high-need areas. More Details...

Health Center Environmental Scan Kickoff Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Throughout the public health emergency, health centers have adapted and evolved to serve their communities amid a confluence of factors. As such, it is becoming crucially important to understand the different strategies and partnerships that have emerged from this crisis. Health centers have an important and essential role in addressing the health-harming social and legal needs of their patients. The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) is conducting an environmental scan of health centers with the main goal of establishing, expanding, and sustaining the accessibility and availability of medical-legal partnerships to meet the evolving social needs of patient populations. On September 29, NCMLP staff gave an overview of the data we have so far, why it's so important to complete the scan, and how to actually participate. More Details...

Pesticide Reporting and Workers' Compensation in Agricultural - Interactive Map (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Includes 1) pesticide reporting regulations for each state and where and how to report; and 2) state workers’ compensation requirements and restrictions in agriculture and for undocumented workers. More Details...

Capital Financing Strategies for Rurally-Located Health Centers Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, we explore the financing strategies available to rurally-located health centers considering a capital expansion project. Various financing opportunities, including targeted programs such as the USDA, New Markets Tax Credits, and the HRSA Heath Center Facilities Loan Guarantee Program, are discussed. We also highlighted the recent capital expansion project of El Dorado Community Health Center (EDCHC), a rurally-located center serving several mountain communities in El Dorado County, CA. More Details...

Tips for Health Center Boards for Evaluating the Sliding Fee Discount Program (English/Spanish) (2022). Resource Type: Microlearning. Description: Health center boards are required to adopt, review and evaluate at least once every three years, and, as needed, approve updates to the Sliding Fee Discount Program as noted in Chapter 19: Board Authority in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program Compliance Manual. This short video provides tips on how boards can work with the health center CEO to evaluate and approve updates to the Sliding Fee Discount Program. It contains sample data and questions a board may wish to ask as part of this process. More Details...

Sliding Fee Discount Program: The Fundamentals for Health Center Boards (English/Spanish) (2022). Resource Type: Microlearning. Description: This short video outlines the fundamentals of the Sliding Fee Discount Program that is required under the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program. This video is intended for health center boards and addresses the following topics: What is the Sliding Fee Discount Program and why is it important? What does a health center board need to know about the Sliding Fee Discount Program? Tips for boards related to the Sliding Fee Discount Program More Details...

Developing Talent? You’re Probably Missing Vertical Development (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Learn about both Horizontal and Vertical Leadership development and the difference between them in this CCL article and related white paper More Details...

Tool: Screening for Disability Discrimination (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As part of Tips to Help Health Centers Address Disability & Chronic Disease Discrimination, consultant Katie Hathaway created two brand new screening tools to determine if your patient is experiencing discrimination based on a disability or chronic disease. There is one tool for adults and another for children and young adults (including those attending college). More Details...

Managed Care Data Checklist: Companion Document to Video Module: Payer Data: The Managed Care Data (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This checklist will walk you, the health center, through a series of common considerations for contracts you may receive from payers with a specific focus on contracts that include value-based payment components. This document assists organizations in understanding the necessary data and data-related tools for managing population health within a managed care environment. More Details...

Addressing Tuberculosis and Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening, Testing, and Treatment Needs Among Community Health Centers Serving Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders – September 2022 (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report identifies needs, current protocols, and best practices on A/AA and NH/PI-serving CHCs’ LTBI/TB-related screening, testing, and treatment that are noteworthy. In addition, recommendations for community interventions to address the social and cultural barriers to LTBI/TB testing, treatment, and education among high-risk populations were completed but further assessment is needed to holistically address the diverse needs of CHCs. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit