Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Displaying records 1541 through 1560 of 2406 found.

TelePrEP for Health Centers: Telehealth Resources and Innovations for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), June 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has long been recognized as an effective treatment in the effort to end the HIV epidemic. Prescribing PrEP should be considered as part comprehensive prevention plan that includes a discussion about adherence to PrEP, condom use, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other risk reduction methods. This HITEQ brief presents an overview of how health centers can utilize telehealth for PrEP access, or TelePrEP, for comprehensive care, and includes innovations and resources that health centers can utilize to extend these services to their patient populations. More Details...

Manager Training for Employee Engagement - Part 2 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session was hosted on June 30, 2020 as the second session in this two part series. During this session, April Lewis of Good Connection, Inc. took the audience for a deep dive into the importance of employee engagement efforts and provided insight on how managers can engage their teams. More Details...

Making the Value Connection Whitepaper (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Through the generous support of Cedars-Sinai, Capital Link and IHQC designed and piloted the Making the Value Connection (MVC) Program, a learning collaborative that creates resources to support community clinics in incorporating a comprehensive definition of value into their strategic priorities. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The HITEQ Center, in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health, hosted a webinar on Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR. The webinar provided an overview on the importance of shared care planning and how we can better optimize the electronic health record to make it the most successful and inclusive of the team. Components of shared care planning and different tools that will help with the creation and accessibility of shared care plans were discussed. More Details...

Diabetes, Heart Disease, and LGBTQIA+ Populations (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Dr. Alex Gonzalez of Fenway Health  and Katherine Overton of the American Heart Association discuss diabetes and heart disease in LGBTQIA+ populations. More Details...

Cybersecurity Checklist for Health Center Staff Working Remotely (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This PDF checklist, developed by HITEQ, provides a guide for health center staff to mitigate cybersecurity risks and threats during times of emergency and incident response that have them working remotely from the health center. More Details...

Clinician's Guide to the EPA's Worker Protection Standard (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The EPA’s Worker Protection Standard (WPS) protects agricultural workers from the health risks associated with pesticides. This guide, jointly developed by Farmworker Justice and Migrant Clinicians Network, provides information to clinicians about the WPS, including basic protections, reporting and monitoring requirements, and important considerations for migrant health clinicians. More Details...

Engaging High-Functioning Managers for Retention (2020). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: In this course you will learn about the fundamental role high-functioning managers play in your health center's retention efforts. High-Functioning Managers is one of the STAR² Center's Core Components for a robust health center workforce. This core component will serve as the driving force for the content presented in this course. More Details...

Creating a Compensation Package for Retention (2020). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: In this course you will learn how to create a robust compensation package to use as a retention tool in your health center. We'll highlight the key concepts of compensation and benefits, the importance of developing an effective communication plan to promote your compensation package, the role Board of Directors play in your health center’s compensation plan, and tools and resources you can use to assess and strengthen your compensation programs. More Details...

Creating a Plan to Address Provider Satisfaction with Health IT: Intervention Project Planning Template, June 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Template. Description: Provider satisfaction is of critical importance for health centers to promote safety and workforce stability. Organizations may be working to reduce burden or increase satisfaction of the provider workforce. This worksheet, created by HITEQ, assists organizations in operationalizing the information set forth in HITEQ’s Assessing Provider Satisfaction: Designing health IT interventions to improve satisfaction and reduce burden. Review that piece, and then download the project planning template to create a plan of your own. More Details...

Rejuvenate Consumer Leadership: Lessons from the Updated Consumer Advisory Board Manual (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Consumer Advisory Boards (CABs) are advisory groups of people who use services at a health center and work with the organization to improve program management and service delivery. Based on decades of collective experience participating in CABs, the National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) has updated its CAB Manual to provide accessible guidance to develop CABs. During this webinar, NCAB members unveiled the updated manual and shared lessons on how to start a CAB and maximize consumer leadership to take your work to a new level. More Details...

Payment Reform Fundamentals for Health Center Boards (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: To get control of the high cost of health care, payers such as Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance companies are changing how they pay for care. They want to see more value for their money. As payers change how they pay for what they value, health care providers, including health centers, must change how they deliver care so it is more valuable without costing more. This document is intended to help health center board members understand changes to the health center payment and care model in order to meet their fiduciary responsibilities of providing oversight and acting for the good of the health center and protecting the health center's assets. This resource addresses: Why Payment Reform? What Does Payment Reform Mean for Health Centers? What is the Board’s Role in Supporting the Health Center in Payment Reform? More Details...

Partnership Opportunities for Health Centers, EnVision Centers, and Public Housing Agencies (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Recent public health crises have highlighted the magnitude of health inequities faced by public housing residents and the need for a coordinated approach in providing health prevention and treatment, as well as the basic goods and services needed to survive, e.g., food, medicine and shelter. More Details...

Consumer Advisory Board Manual (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Special-populations-only health centers are eligible for a waiver of the consumer-majority Board if it meets special efforts to engage consumers. The best way to do this for Health Care for the Homeless health centers is the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB). Championed by the National CAB of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, this manual includes updated lessons from decades of relevant experience. More Details...

Manager Training for Employee Engagement - Part 1 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session was hosted on June 23, 2020 as the first session in this two part series. During this session, April Lewis of Good Connection, Inc. provided an overview of the STAR² Center Manager Training Toolkit and introduced attendees to the "why" behind the toolkit and manager training in health center settings.  More Details...

SMBP Joint Policy Statement 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Self-measured BP monitoring, the measurement of BP by an individual outside of the office at home, is a validated approach for out-of-office BP measurement. Several national and international hypertension guidelines endorse self-measured BP monitoring. Indications include the diagnosis of white-coat hypertension and masked hypertension and the identification of white-coat effect and masked uncontrolled hypertension. Other indications include confirming the diagnosis of resistant hypertension and detecting morning hypertension. More Details...

Accelerating Use of SMBP through Clinical-Community Care Models (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP), the regular measurement of blood pressure by a patient outside the clinical setting, plus additional support, is a proven, cost-effective but underutilized strategy to improve hypertension outcomes. To accelerate SMBP use, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the National Association of Community Health Centers, the YMCA of the USA, and Association of State and Territorial Health Officials to develop cross-sector care models to offer SMBP to patients with hypertension. More Details...

Snapshot: FQHCs and Oral Health (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: An overview of the role FQHCs play in oral health, with an emphasis on how dental services and access has changed over the past five years. More Details...

Cooking in the Colors of the Rainbow: Preventing Diabetes through Healthy Eating (2020). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: FJ developed a coloring book for farmworker families that promotes health earing as a way to prevent diabetes. The coloring book is available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Mam, and Mixteco. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit