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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 182 found.

El Transporte es un Tema de Equidad en la Salud (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Spanish translation of the Transportation is a Health Equity Issue factsheet investigates how transportation impacts access to care & other social drivers of health, analyzes unmet needs & gaps in laws or policies affecting access to transportation, uncovers the structural factors predisposing marginalized populations to reduced access to transportation and provides recommendations to health centers on addressing patient transportation inequities & barriers. More Details...

HRSA Behavioral Health Web Portal (2024). Resource Type: Other Resource Collection. Description: This external website includes a repository of potentially-relevant, curated resources from an organization outside of the HRSA-funded training and technical assistance organizations. (Note: resources in such collections do not undergo review by the Clearinghouse). This web portal describes that national approach to address behavioral health in the United States and includes resources in support of the President's mental health strategy, the HHS roadmap for behavioral health integration, interdepartmental efforts, and national focus areas. More Details...

Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides information confirming the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. More Details...

Children and the COVID-19 Vaccine Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides parents with instructions on ways you can help prevent the COVID-19 virus from transmitting to children, including information about approved vaccines for each age group. More Details...

CHWs: The Key Players in Heat Stress Management Strategies Among MSAWs (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As global temperatures rise, Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs) are increasingly at risk for heat-stress health issues due to their work conditions. Proactively involving Community Health Workers (CHWs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and local communities can raise awareness and provide essential support to mitigate these risks. By collaborating on education, emergency preparedness, and advocacy, stakeholders can take a strategic approach to improve conditions and health outcomes for MSAWs facing the impacts of climate change. More Details...

CHWs Supporting MSAWs' Health Across Life's Seasons (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers (CHWs) are essential frontline public health workers with deep cultural understanding and adaptable skills. They play a crucial role in supporting Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs), who face unique challenges due to their transient work and diverse backgrounds. CHWs provide vital services such as healthcare access, language interpretation, legal guidance, and culturally appropriate support, ensuring MSAWs receive comprehensive care across different locations and life stages. This integrated approach supports positive health outcomes and addresses systemic barriers through community-driven initiatives. More Details...

Vacunas COVID-19 gratuitas para trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias Imagen para redes sociales- haciendo una cita en el centro de salud (2024). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: NCFH ha creado gráficos para redes sociales con mensajes rápidos para centros de salud y organizaciones que prestan servicios a trabajadores agrícolas para educar a los trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias sobre los programas Puente de Acceso y Vacunas para Niños de CDC, que ayudan a que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 sean gratuitas para adultos y niños. Las imágenes para redes sociales destacan cómo los trabajadores agrícolas pueden protegerse a sí mismos y a sus familias del COVID-19 y cómo encontrar un centro de salud cerca de ellos para programar una cita. Estos gráficos de redes sociales se pueden compartir a través de WhatsApp u otras fuentes de redes sociales. More Details...

Vacunas COVID-19 gratuitas para trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias Anuncio de Servicio Publico (PSA)  (2024). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: NCFH ha creado un anuncio de servicio público educativo con mensajes rápidos para centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a trabajadores agrícolas para educar a trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias sobre los programas Puente de Acceso y Vacunas para Niños de CDC que ayudan a que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 sean gratuitas para adultos y niños. Este anuncio de servicio público destaca cómo los trabajadores agrícolas pueden protegerse a sí mismos y a sus familias del COVID-19 y cómo encontrar un centro de salud cerca de ellos para programar una cita.  More Details...

Vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratis para trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias  (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH ha creado un folleto educativo para centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores agrícolas para educar a esta poblacion y sus familias sobre los programas los programas Puente de Acceso y Vacunas para Niños de los CDC que ayudan a que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 sean gratuitas para adultos y niños. Este recurso incluye información sobre los requisito, de elegibilidad y los lugares donde pueden vacunarse, como centros de salud, clínicas pediátricas y farmacias.  More Details...

Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas mediante pruebas, prevención y tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: “Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas a través de las pruebas, la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas\", explica información importante sobre el VIH y el SIDA. Infórmese sobre las formas saludables de prevenir, hacerse la prueba y recibir tratamiento contra el VIH/SIDA entre los trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...

Cómo el uso del tabaco puede afectarle a usted y a su familia (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Este colgador de puerta educativo bilingüe, disponible en inglés y español, proporciona a los centros de salud una herramienta educativa para abordar el consumo de tabaco entre los trabajadores agrícolas durante sus esfuerzos de educación y alcance. Este recurso tambien ofrece información a los trabajadores agrícolas sobre los diversos métodos de consumo de tabaco, los riesgos para la salud relacionados y los beneficios de dejar el consumo de tabaco específicos para los trabajadores agrícolas. Este colgador de puerta se puede utilizar cuando los trabajadores del centro de salud realizan actividades de educacion y alcance para apoyar a los trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...

A Guide for Health Centers to Address Tobacco Use Among Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This guide provides information to help health centers address tobacco use among agricultural workers and it includes a bilingual educational door hanger for agricultural workers that health centers can use during their education and outreach efforts. The guide provides information to health center staff about the various methods of tobacco consumption, related health risks, and the benefits of quitting specific to agricultural workers. it also highlights cessation and tobacco use screening tools and strategies to motivate change, identify a patient's level of readiness to quit, conduct outreach, and build collaborative partnerships to address tobacco use. This guide and door hanger can be used to support agricultural worker patients in a health center setting or while conducting outreach. More Details...

Instructions for Using Naloxone (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Instructional sheet on how to use Naloxone in the case of an opioid overdose. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...

Sexual Violence in Agricultural Worker Communities: A Guide for Clinicians (2024). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Clinician resource that provides guidance on how to identify and support survivors of sexual violence in agricultural worker communities, as well as best practices when reporting any incidents. Also included are stories from survivors and advocates, and additional resources for community support. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...

Serving Farmworker Patients Who Speak Indigenous Languages (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource, co-created with Rural Women's Health Project and Language Access Florida, shares best practices for health center outreach staff and clinicians who are serving Indigenous-Speaking farmworkers. The recommendations come directly from Indigenous farmworkers. It is available in English and Spanish. More Details...

Clear the Air! Protect Your Health from Bad Air (Comic Book) (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Comic book aimed at workers which discusses the situations in which contaminants may enter their airways, as well as recommendations to help them to protect themselves in harmful work environments. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...

Environmental Preparedness for Health Centers: HITEQ On the Horizon (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Climate change-induced weather events such as heat waves, poor air quality, and flooding are increasing in frequency and intensity. Health centers are challenged to maintain their own health IT and operations, ensuring continuity of care for their patients, particularly individuals who are more likely to be impacted by climate change-related disasters. More Details...

Emergency Preparedness for Residents of Public Housing (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Did you know that residents of public housing are disproportionately affected by emergencies? Data indicates that they often face more adverse effects during crises? To address this issue, NCHPH has developed an informative infographic emphasizing the importance of emergency preparedness for public housing residents. More Details...

Avian Flu and Your Safety: Guidance for Dairy Workers (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Guidance for dairy workers regarding avian influenza (bird flu, H5N1), including a fact sheet and a video series. Fact sheets are provided in English and Spanish. More Details...

Las ITS y los trabajadores agricolas: Lo que necesitas saber (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Este nuevo recurso de NCFH proporciona información sobre el impacto de las infecciones de transmisión sexual en la salud de los trabajadores agrícolas, comparte información sobre las 5 principales ITS que afectan a esta población y comparte consejos para mantener conversaciones abiertas y saludables con las parejas y los proveedores de atención de salud. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit