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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 207 found.

LGBTQIA+ Patients and Social Determinants of Health Screening and Documentation (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, Dr. Bisola Ojikutu discusses screening for Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and other gender minority (LGBTQIA+) patients. Webinar content will focus on SDOH disparities for LGBTQIA+ people, existing screening tools, and their adaptation for culturally affirming screening and referral for LGBTQIA+ people. More Details...

The Board’s Role in Evaluating Collaborative Relationships (Governance Legal Brief 4) (2020). Resource Type: Document. Description: This Governance Legal Brief describes why health centers collaborate with other providers, defines common collaboration goals, and discusses potential types of collaborative relationships; examines the board’s role in evaluating collaborative relationships; highlights certain requirements applicable to health center board autonomy in the context of collaborative relationships; and highlights certain key decisions that must be approved by the board, including decisions to subaward a portion of the federal Health Center Project grant. More Details...

Protecting Health Center Board Members and Other Volunteers from Personal Liability (Governance Legal Brief 2) (2020). Resource Type: Document. Description: This Governance Legal Brief summarizes the federal law that protects volunteers of nonprofit organizations: the Federal Volunteer Protection Act. You will learn who this law protects, how it does so, and what is excluded from its coverage. You will also learn about private insurance as an additional option to limit volunteer and health center risks. More Details...

Laying the Foundation for Lawyers on the Health Center Team Part II: Funding, MoUs & Sustainability (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership is launching a 5-part Webinar Series to disseminate the Health Center Guide toolkit that provides the health center community with information and resources to start, strengthen, and sustain a medical-legal partnership. The toolkit will help health centers to 1) have the important conversations to plan for a MLP’s long term success; 2) understand the specifics on developing screening, referral, and service delivery workflows for a MLP; 3) to look at how integrating legal services can support health center workforce development; and 4) move upstream to address social determinants of health and health equity at a policy level. More Details...

Identifying, Disclosing, and Managing Board Members’ Conflicts of Interest (Governance Legal Brief 1) (2020). Resource Type: Document. Description: This Governance Legal Brief provides general advice for board members about how to identify, disclose, and manage conflicts of interest. This document also describes steps to ensure that a conflict does not impact board decision-making, which could expose the health center to potential risks and liabilities. More Details...

CEO and Senior Executive Compensation – Legal Considerations for Health Centers (Governance Legal Brief 3) (2020). Resource Type: Document. Description: This Governance Legal Brief outlines key considerations related to CEO and senior executive compensation. More Details...

STAR² Center PCA TTA Self-Assessment (2020). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: This self-assessment tool has been designed to help PCA teams assess your organization’s strengths and challenges in delivering a robust workforce training and technical assistance program to health centers. The tool includes questions based on ACU’s Core Components for a healthy health center workforce including: Leadership Investment, Workforce Planning, Recruitment and Retention Strategies, Compensation, Culture, Diversity, Managers and Health Professions Training. This assessment will provide a number of opportunities for discussion and confirmation of alignment for PCA TTA teams. Users will receive a snapshot of their organization’s TTA program as it relates to these components. More Details...

ACCELERATE PrEP for HIV Training Modules (2020). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The PrEP for HIV Training Course is a free, online training program developed by Program ACCELERATE in partnership with The Fenway Institute. The training course offers learning about the latest evidence on PrEP, how to assess patients for PrEP eligibility, how to prescribe and monitor PrEP, and how to offer supportive, welcoming care for patients at higher risk of HIV. The estimated total time to complete the course is between 2-2.5 hours. If you exit before completing a module, your progress will be saved. More Details...

Rural America: The Current State of Health Care Access Webinar (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Increase your understanding of the current reality of health care in rural America and consider provocative and innovative ideas on how health centers are an invaluable solution. More Details...

Food Insecurity and Trauma Informed Approaches to BMI and Diabetes Care While Experiencing Homelessness (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This archived webinar describes the importance of trauma-informed care in assessing Body Mass Index in the context of diabetes treatment for patients experiencing homelessness. More Details...

Federal Activities and Approaches to Advance Social Determinants of Health Data Use and Interoperability in Support of Community Health Centers: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: View this HITEQ Center webinar, where the The Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT present on the current state of federal activities and standards based approaches for collecting, sharing, and using SDoH data with a focus on technical and policy considerations. The presentation describes available standards, tools, and initiatives for health center use and input. More Details...

Webinar: Planning a Capital Project to Facilitate Integrated Care: A First Steps Overview (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us to learn the essential steps for preparing your project for success, including principles for planning facilities that support team-based, integrated care and techniques for completing internal and external assessments that will ensure your project aligns with your patient, staff, and community needs. More Details...

Planning a Capital Project to Facilitate Integrated Care: A First Steps Overview (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us to learn the essential steps for preparing your project for success, including principles for planning facilities that support team-based, integrated care and techniques for completing internal and external assessments that will ensure your project aligns with your patient, staff, and community needs. Participants will be equipped to begin a planning process that will build a strong foundation for their capital project. More Details...

Data Integration Best Practices for Health Centers & Homeless Services Publication: Health Center Focus Group Recommendations on Data Integration (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers use data and technology to improve health outcomes of patients, speed administrative processes, and collect patients’ health and housing histories. This report advances strategies for large and small health centers to match data with homeless service systems to identify and coordinate care for high utilizers of crisis care systems. More Details...

A Call for Reinforcements in Diabetes Care: Maximizing the Role of Non-Clinical Staff and Partners Publication: Issue brief and case studies highlightin promising practices for non-clinical staff with links to the community (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Successful diabetes care for vulnerable populations demands a multi-prong approach and support from a range of community resources to address SDOH. This report outlines promising practices utilizing interdisciplinary teams and community resources to support consumers’ self-management and in-turn improve health outcomes More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic: The Health Center Role: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This presentation will be led by Dr. Tim Long, and will focus on the four pillars of Ending the HIV Epidemic and primary care HIV prevention. This webinar will focus on the clinical aspects of Ending the HIV epidemic, and use of health IT and EHR to support clinical care. More Details...

Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring (SMBP) Implementation Toolkit (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This toolkit is designed to help organizations implement self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP) successfully into their care processes and workflows. SMBP refers to blood pressure measurements taken outside of the clinical setting, usually at home. SMBP helps with both diagnosis and management of hypertension and increases patient participation in their own care. SMBP, when combined with other clinical supports, improves hypertension control. More Details...

Quality Improvement Starter Kit (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This resource, developed by AFL Enterprises, includes virtual training resources that can be used to share quality improvement techniques and practices more widely within your health center. More Details...

Managing Diabetes in Older Adults within a Dental Setting: A Practical Integrated Care Approach (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: This webinar focused on the benefits of implementing and monitoring blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C testing for older adults in their health center oral health services. More Details...

Evolution of the National Consumer Advisory Board: A Case Study in Consumer Leadership (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Consumer involvement in governance is a unique feature of Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) programs and other federally supported Health Centers. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council acknowledged in its founding principles that “all people have the right to participate in the decisions affecting their lives,” and the development and growth of the National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) helps us live up to that principle. This new NCAB History case study serves as a testament to the work of those who helped NCAB flourish, and shares lessons learned for other consumer-led groups. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit