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Results for: Resource Type = Patient Materials
Displaying records 1 through 50 of 80.
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Q'anjob'al: Kol ha b´a b´ay jun q´ahal ilya´ aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Nahuatl (orizaba variety): Ximomalhwi tlen pillo tsonpilli H5N1 kokolistli (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety): Kotova´ani mani ku´e xini chu´un nani H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Mam: Klonkub’tib’a ti’j tyab’il eky’ H5N1 tb’i (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in K'iche': Chachajij awib’ ruk’ le tza’maj kech ajxik’ awajib’ H5N1. (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu in Afrikaans: Beskerm jouself teen H5N1-voëlgriep (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Los trabajadores de lecherías corren el riesgo de contraer la influenza aviar H5N1, Cómo protegerse de este virus en el trabajo, folleto educativo (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un nuevo recurso impreso sobre la influenza aviar H5N1, también conocida como gripe aviar, para los centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este recurso ofrece información para educar y equipar a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, como identificar los síntomas, y como acceder a una prueba. More Details...
How Dairy Workers Can Protect Themselves While at Work from the H5N1 Bird Flu Public Service Announcement (PSA) (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has created a long and short educational PSA with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This PSA educates educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer - English (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Nahuatl (orizaba variety) : Tekitianih tlen leche weli momawaseh ika influenza aviar kokolistli H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Nahuatl (orizaba variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mam : Aqe’ xjal in chi aq’unan toj yotz’ob’il ta’l kyim wakx jaka chi yab’ti tu’n kyab’il eky’ H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mam feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in K’iche’ : Le ajchakib’ pa taq tu’b’al wakax wene kkiriq ri tza’maj kech ajxik’ awajib’ yab’ilal H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud K’iche’ audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) : Te´e kasatiu nu lechería o ndasi ka ja ke´en ña kue nani Influenza aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Afrikaans : Suiwelwerkers is in gevaar vir H5N1-voëlgriep (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Afrikaans audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Q’anjob’al : Heb´ chi mulnaj yin yal yim no´ no´ akawal chi je´ b´onchajtoq yuj q´ahal ilya´ aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Q’anjob’al audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...
Cómo pueden protegerse los trabajadores de lecherías durante el trabajo de la gripe aviar H5N1 Anuncio de servicio público (PSA, por sus siglas en inglés) (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un PSA educativo corto y largo con mensajes rápidos para los centros de salud y las organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este PSA educa y equipa a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, cómo identificar los síntomas y cómo acceder a una prueba. More Details...
Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides information confirming the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. More Details...
Children and the COVID-19 Vaccine Brochure Template (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This resource provides parents with instructions on ways you can help prevent the COVID-19 virus from transmitting to children, including information about approved vaccines for each age group. More Details...
Vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratis para trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH ha creado un folleto educativo para centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores agrícolas para educar a esta poblacion y sus familias sobre los programas los programas Puente de Acceso y Vacunas para Niños de los CDC que ayudan a que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 sean gratuitas para adultos y niños. Este recurso incluye información sobre los requisito, de elegibilidad y los lugares donde pueden vacunarse, como centros de salud, clínicas pediátricas y farmacias. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Zapoteco : Re’ xa’ tha nke zin len jwa’n, re’ tha xaa’ , Tha yal tiob Yib lad xa’ zaa na’ tiak tha xa’ yiz ndole COVID, yib re’ na nyax tei’ ta tei (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Zapoteco audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Tsotsil : Akuxaetik sventa ach’ chamel COVID19 ta moton sventa j-abteletik ta ts’unobal xchiuk yalab snich nabtak (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Tsotsil audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
"Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Nahuatl : AXTITLAXTAWAS tsopinilli tlen COVID-19 kokolistli timotsopinis ta iwaya mosenyeli (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Nahuatl audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Mixteco : Vacuna ña cu covid-19 un chauìndò cuana nú mindo ña saa chiuw (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Mixteco audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Mam : Noq kukx xuyq’anb’il ti’j tx’u’j yab’il COVID-19 kye aq’unal awal twitz tx’otx’ ex kye tjakyxjal (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Mam audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in K’iche : T’isb’aq rech le COVID-19 MAN TOJOTAL TAJ chi kech ri ajchak rachi’l le kalaxik (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud K’iche audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer in Haitian Creole : Vaksen KOVID-19 gratis pou travayè agrikòl ak fanmi yo (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer with a read aloud Haitian Creole audio feature for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
“Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Farmworkers and Their Families” Educational Flyer (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH has created an educational flyer for health centers and organizations serving agricultural workers to educate this population and their families about CDC’s Bridge Access and Vaccine for Children programs that help make COVID-19 vaccines free for adults and children. This flyer includes information on the eligibility criteria and locations where they can get vaccinated, like health centers, pediatric clinics, and pharmacies. More Details...
Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas mediante pruebas, prevención y tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: “Promoviendo un estilo de vida saludable entre los trabajadores agrícolas a través de las pruebas, la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA: Una historia sobre la salud sexual y el VIH entre los trabajadores agrícolas\", explica información importante sobre el VIH y el SIDA. Infórmese sobre las formas saludables de prevenir, hacerse la prueba y recibir tratamiento contra el VIH/SIDA entre los trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...
Promoting Agricultural Workers Healthy Lifestyle through HIV/AIDS Testing, Prevention, and Treatment: A Story About Sexual Health and HIV Among Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: "Promoting Agricultural Workers Healthy Lifestyle through HIV/AIDS Testing, Prevention, and Treatment: A Story About Sexual Health and HIV Among Agricultural Workers.", explains important information about HIV and AIDS. Learn about healthy ways to prevent, getting tested and treatment for HIV/AIDS among agricultural workers! More Details...
Instructions for Using Naloxone (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Instructional sheet on how to use Naloxone in the case of an opioid overdose. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...
Clear the Air! Protect Your Health from Bad Air (Comic Book) (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Comic book aimed at workers which discusses the situations in which contaminants may enter their airways, as well as recommendations to help them to protect themselves in harmful work environments. Available in both English and Spanish. More Details...
Avian Flu and Your Safety: Guidance for Dairy Workers (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Guidance for dairy workers regarding avian influenza (bird flu, H5N1), including a fact sheet and a video series. Fact sheets are provided in English and Spanish. More Details...
STIs and Agricultural Workers: What you need to know? (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This new resource from NCFH provides information about the impact of sexually transmitted infections on agricultural worker health, shares information about the five main STIs that affect this population and shares tips to have open and healthy conversations with partners and health care providers. More Details...
Las ITS y los trabajadores agricolas: Lo que necesitas saber (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Este nuevo recurso de NCFH proporciona información sobre el impacto de las infecciones de transmisión sexual en la salud de los trabajadores agrícolas, comparte información sobre las 5 principales ITS que afectan a esta población y comparte consejos para mantener conversaciones abiertas y saludables con las parejas y los proveedores de atención de salud. More Details...
Stay hydrated in the heat: English (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH developed this quick resource card to provide agricultural workers and other outdoor workers who spend long hours working in the heat with information on how to stay hydrated and drink more water and foods to replenish electrolytes when necessary. It also includes information on how to identify dehydration. More Details...
Stay hydrated in the heat: Tsotsil- Indigenous Language (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH developed this quick resource card to provide indigenous agricultural workers and other outdoor workers who spend long hours working in the heat with information on how to stay hydrated and drink more water and foods to replenish electrolytes when necessary. It also includes information on how to identify dehydration. More Details...
Manténgase hidratado en el calor (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH desarrollo este recurso en formato de tarjeta para brindarles a los trabajadores agricolas y otros trabajadores que pasan largas horas al aire libre trabajando en el calor informacion sobre como estar hidratados y tomar mucha agua y comer alimentos que les ayuden a reponer sus electrolitos y como identificar la deshidratacion. More Details...
STIs and Agricultural Workers: What You Need to Know?: Trifold (2023). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This new resource from NCFH provides information about the impact of sexually transmitted infections on agricultural worker health, shares information about the five main STIs that affect this population and shares tips to have open and healthy conversations with partners and health care providers. More Details...
Staying Hydrated in the Heat: Tagalog (2023). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: NCFH developed this resource to provide farmworkers and other outdoor workers who spend long hours working in the heat with information on how to stay hydrated and drink more water and foods to replenish electrolytes when necessary. More Details...
Las ITS y los trabajadores agricolas: Lo que necesitas saber: Trifold (2023). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Este nuevo recurso de NCFH proporciona informacion sobre el impacto de las infecciones de transmision sexual en la salud de los trabajadores agricolas, comparte informacion sobre las 5 principales ITS que afectan a esta poblaciones y comparte consejos para mantener conversaciones abiertas y saludables con las parejas y los proveedores de atencion de salud. More Details...
¡Protéjase con la vacuna TD o Tdap!: Recurso para Trabajadores Agricolas (2023). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: An educational resource that provides information to farmworkers on the benefits of receiving or updating the TD or Tdap vaccine. It also outlines the risks associated with Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis, provides recommendations on vaccination, and other available resources. Recurso educativo que proporciona información a los trabajadores agrícolas sobre los beneficios de recibir o actualizar la vacuna TD o Tdap. También describe los riesgos asociados al tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina, ofrece recomendaciones sobre la vacunación y otros recursos disponibles. More Details...
Protect Yourself with the TD or Tdap Vaccine!: Resource for Farmworkers (2023). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: An educational resource that provides information to farmworkers on the benefits of receiving or updating the TD or Tdap vaccine. It also outlines the risks associated with Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis, provides recommendations on vaccination, and other available resources. More Details...
Protéjase de la Gripe y del COVID-19 (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Este folleto de bolsillo contiene información sobre las vacunas contra la gripe y la COVID-19, quién es elegible para recibirlas y dónde encontrarlas. También contiene un cuadro rellenable para que las organizaciones agreguen su información de contacto. Este recurso fue creado por NCFH en asociación con MHP Salud. More Details...
Protect yourself from both the Flu and COVID-19 (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This pocket-size brochure contains information about both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines, who is eligible to receive them and where to find them. It also contains a fillable box for organizations to add their contact information. This resource was created by NCFH in partnership with MHP Salud. More Details...
What Parents Should Know about COVID-19 Vaccines (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: HOP and the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) have developed this flyer on Vaccines for Children 5 and up for outreach workers to support farmworkers and their families. More Details...
Preguntas frecuentes sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños de 5 años en adelante (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Este volante incluye preguntas frecuentes sobre las vacunas para niños de 5 años en adelante. Este recurso fue desarrollado por Health Outreach Partners y el Centro Nacional para la Salud de los Trabajadores Agrícolas (NCFH, por sus siglas en inglés). More Details...
Lo que las familias deben saber sobre las vacunas COVID-19 (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: HOP y el Centro Nacional para la Salud de los Trabajadores Agrícolas (NCFH, por sus siglas en inglés) han desarrollado este volante de educación en salud sobre vacunas COVID-19 para niños de 5 años en adelante para los trabajadores comunitarios que apoyan a los trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...
FAQ about COVID-19 Vaccines for Children 5 and Up (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This flyer includes FAQ on vaccines for children 5 and up. This resource was developed by Health Outreach Partners and the National Center for Farmworker Health. More Details...
Get the Facts COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign (Many Languages) (2022). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: The Get the Facts campaign is based on CDC guidance, offering facts about COVID-19 vaccines in a simple and memorable way that counters common misconceptions. These facts address cost, ingredients, side effects, eligibility and more. Each set of materials includes translations in more than 30 languages as well as the ability for you to customize the logo, URL, photo and more. More Details...