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Displaying records 21 through 40 of 2406 found.

Protect Yourself against H5N1 bird flu (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a social media graphic with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This social media graphic and designated message educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Los trabajadores de lecherías corren el riesgo de contraer la influenza aviar H5N1, Cómo protegerse de este virus en el trabajo, folleto educativo   (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un nuevo recurso impreso sobre la influenza aviar H5N1, también conocida como gripe aviar, para los centros de salud y organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este recurso ofrece información para educar y equipar a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, como identificar los síntomas, y como acceder a una prueba.   More Details...

How Dairy Workers Can Protect Themselves While at Work from the H5N1 Bird Flu Public Service Announcement (PSA)    (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has created a long and short educational PSA with quick messaging for health centers and organizations that serve dairy workers. This PSA educates educates and equips dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.     More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer - English (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Nahuatl (orizaba variety) : Tekitianih tlen leche weli momawaseh ika influenza aviar kokolistli H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Nahuatl (orizaba variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing. More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mam : Aqe’ xjal in chi aq’unan toj yotz’ob’il ta’l kyim wakx jaka chi yab’ti tu’n kyab’il eky’ H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mam feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in K’iche’ : Le ajchakib’ pa taq tu’b’al wakax wene kkiriq ri tza’maj kech ajxik’ awajib’ yab’ilal H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud K’iche’ audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.   More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) : Te´e kasatiu nu lechería o ndasi ka ja ke´en ña kue nani Influenza aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description:  NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Mixteco (San Antonio Yodunduza Monte Verde variety) audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Afrikaans : Suiwelwerkers is in gevaar vir H5N1-voëlgriep (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description:  NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Afrikaans audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Dairy Workers Are at Risk for H5N1 Bird Flu, How to Protect Yourself from the Virus at Work, Educational Flyer in Q’anjob’al : Heb´ chi mulnaj yin yal yim no´ no´ akawal chi je´ b´onchajtoq yuj q´ahal ilya´ aviar H5N1 (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH has developed a new printed educational resource on Avian Influenza H5N1, also known as Bird Flu, with a read aloud Q’anjob’al audio feature for health centers and organizations serving dairy workers. This resource offers information to educate and equip dairy workers about prevention and risks of bird flu while at work, how to identify symptoms, and how to access testing.    More Details...

Cómo pueden protegerse los trabajadores de lecherías durante el trabajo de la gripe aviar H5N1 Anuncio de servicio público (PSA, por sus siglas en inglés)    (2024). Resource Type: Patient Material  . Description: NCFH ha desarrollado un PSA educativo corto y largo con mensajes rápidos para los centros de salud y las organizaciones que sirven a los trabajadores de lecherías. Este PSA educa y equipa a los trabajadores de lecherías sobre la prevención y los riesgos de la gripe aviar en el trabajo, cómo identificar los síntomas y cómo acceder a una prueba.    More Details...

Marketplace Open Enrollment 12 Kick-Off Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The 12th Open Enrollment Period for the federal Health Insurance Marketplace——begins on November 1, 2024. As trusted partners, Community Health Centers play a critical role in ensuring people have access to health insurance coverage and care. Given that over 25 million have been disenrolled in Medicaid since the unwinding began last year, the stakes are high! This webinar is a great opportunity to learn a new strategy for enrolling and keeping people in your community covered. More Details...

Safeguarding Home Environments: Addressing Environmental Risks for Aging and Disabled Populations in Public Housing (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Environmental risks, such as poor housing conditions and safety hazards, significantly impact the health and quality of life of aging and disabled individuals living in public housing. In this webinar, the National Center for Public Housing (NCHPH) and the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium explored strategies and resources that can help health centers mitigate environmental hazards, ensuring safer home environments to better protect and enhance the well-being of aging and disabled residents in public housing. More Details...

Clinical Leadership Core Competencies: Domains, Skills, Tasks (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Defining health center clinical leadership core competencies for the purpose of professional self-development along a clinical leader’s journey has been a work in progress within NACHC since 2014. Health center clinical leaders and advisors have developed and kept up-to-date this comprehensive set of core competencies that includes tasks and skills, behavioral examples, and proficiently levels aligned and integrated with NACHC’s Value Transformation Framework (VTF). More Details...

Advances in Team-Based Retinal Eye Care for Patients with Diabetes (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Annual retinal eye exams are recommended for all individuals with diabetes to detect diabetes-related eye disease. This webinar will share the possible eye complications due to diabetes, testing advances, and the role of team-based care in managing diabetes retinal eye disease. More Details...

Ways to Connect with Patients Who Have a Rising Body Mass Index (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Patients with elevated BMIs and a diagnosis of overweight or obesity often need support to assist with establishing healthy behaviors that extend beyond the patient-provider interactions. Connections with community resources and technological devices are examples of the support options available to patients in health centers. This webinar provides information on how health centers coordinate care with community food resources and community wellness centers. This training is in conjunction with HealthLeads. More Details...

The Intersection of HIV, Aging, and Housing: Considerations for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar from the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders (NCECE), the National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH), and the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center focused on integrated solutions for supporting older adults living with HIV to safely age in their community of choice. More Details...

Screening for SDOH and Social Risk Factors in HIV-Vulnerable Populations: A Guide for Health Centers Serving Residents of Public Housing and HUD-Assisted Individuals (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers can support HIV+ patients and those vulnerable to HIV by integrating screening for the SDOH into their standard operating procedures. In this reference guide, we present a step-by step approach to integrating SDOH screening into the clinical and social support operations of health centers and PHAs. More Details...

Improving Hypertension Management: Applying Standing Orders and the Role of Medical Assistants (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Mary Blankson, Chief Nursing Officer for Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI), this session will cover how to implement standing orders using CHCI's hypertension guidelines and other national best practices. It will emphasize the key role of Medical Assistants (MAs) and demonstrate how standing orders support broader healthcare initiatives. Participants will gain knowledge on how to apply standing orders for hypertension management in their own health centers to improve patient care and streamline clinical processes. More Details...

Developing Curriculum in Line with Accreditation: Best Practices for Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Postgraduate Training Programs (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Charise Corsino, Program Director of CHC's Postgraduate NP Residency Program, and Kerry Bamrick, Executive Director of the Consortium for Advanced Practice Providers, this activity session will explore curriculum development in the lens of accreditation standards. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit