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Displaying records 2061 through 2080 of 2406 found.

Guide to Improving Care Processes and Outcomes in Health Centers: An approach to quality improvement (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The quality improvement QI approach outlined in this Guide can be used to augment current QI approaches used in your health center, or can serve as a placeholder QI methodology when there isn’t already a robust QI process in place. It provides a framework and tools for documenting, analyzing, sharing and improving key workflows and information flows that drive performance on high-stakes care performance measures, and related improvement imperatives. This webpage provides strategies and tools that health centers and their partners can use to enhance care processes and outcomes targeted for improvement, such as hypertension and diabetes control, preventive care, and many others. More Details...

Serving Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Persons: Establishing and Improving Models of Care for Those without Homes (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Drawing from current literature and interviews conducted with health centers and a social support organization, this guide provides promising practices to consider when establishing or improving upon TGNC health services, including community needs, program structure, and funding. More Details...

Safety in the Health Care for the Homeless Settings: Consumer Perceptions and Advice (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Responding to the findings of a recent survey conducted by the HCH National Consumer Advisory Board, this resource provides recommendations for developing physical spaces that promote well-being, considerations for vulnerable populations, and strategies for providing workforce and staff support. More Details...

Health and Housing Partnership Profiles - Housing the First 100 Orlando FL: Case Study on Frequent User Intiatives in Orlando FL (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This Profile focuses on Orlando FL, and Orange Blossom Family Health - the Healthcare for Homeless Center in Orlando as part of a series of real Health Center Case Studies engaged in effective Frequent User Initiatives in communities around the country. More Details...

A Quick Guide on Consumer Engagement in Governance of Health Care for the Homeless Programs (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers serving people experiencing homelessness must meaningfully involve consumers with the lived experience of homelessness in their governance, either on their governance Board or through structures like Consumer Advisory Boards. This guide provides practical tips for organizations in setting up effective, empowering consumer governance structures and supports. The ideas in this Quick Guide were developed through conversations with over 20 key informants: consumer leaders, consumer support staff, and executive leaders of HCH projects who have facilitated consumer leadership both locally and nationally. More Details...

Professional Organizations and Associations for Health IT/Quality Staff: Resource Listing and Background (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This is a list of professional and industry organizations and associations that can serve as a resource for staff interested in Health IT and quality and for those wanting to become more immersed in the field. Some of these may be appropriate for staff to join. This is a list of professional and industry organizations and associations that can serve as a resource for staff interested in Health IT and quality and for those wanting to become more immersed in the field. Some of these may be appropriate for staff to join. They offer resources such as training, conferences, research, literature, networking, and in some cases, certification. More Details...

Job Postings: A template for Human Resources and Hiring Managers (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The following resource provides links to organizations that include job postings for Health IT and Quality jobs. This may be helpful to those both seeking employment or simply looking to learn more about the field and the kinds of positions that are available. The following resource provides links to organizations that include job postings for Health IT and Quality jobs. This may be helpful to those both seeking employment or simply looking to learn more about the field and the kinds of positions that are available. Job titles are not standard across the industry so perusing the various job openings will give a sense of the types of functions people perform in the Health IT/Quality area. In addition, employers may post openings on many of these sites. More Details...

Coffee Break Webinar: 3 Key Lessons Learned from Conducting Needs Assessments (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us for a Coffee Break Webinar titled “3 Key Lessons Learned Conducting Needs Assessments.” HOP provides 3 key strategies on how to plan and conduct an effective needs assessment process, and presents resources to help you on your own needs assessments. More Details...

Building Resources to Support Civil Legal Aid Access in HRSA-Funded Health Centers (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue brief describes how health centers used supplemental funding to anchor MLP services as part of enabling services activities. It shares the experiences of health centers from Hawai’i to New Hampshire that received expanded services awards from HRSA and used them for legal-related enabling services, and extrapolates lessons for other health centers about the impact of collaborations between health centers and civil legal aid services and how to leverage funding opportunities for fostering medical-legal partnerships. More Details...

Using Health Center Needs Assessments To Address Legal Needs (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This fact sheet outlines how health centers can use community needs assessments to understand and meet their patients’ health-harming civil legal needs. More Details...

Communicating Safety: English as a Second Language Health and Safety Training Materials (2016). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Communicating Safety: A Health and Safety English Learning Curriculum for Immigrant Workers in Agriculture is a health and safety intervention for immigrant workers. This project offers free, OSHA-approved training and educational materials that were developed using English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) learning activities - pairing dairy safety and health content with relevant vocabulary and English language skills in a culturally and linguistically appropriate context. More Details...

Integrating Community Health Workers into Primary Care Practice: A Resource Guide for HCH Programs (2016). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The National HCH Council developed this resource guide to share experiences and successful recruitment and supervision strategies with other HCH projects looking to employ CHWs. This guide incorporates current research and uses feedback from administrators, supervisors, CHWs, hospital staff, community members, and clients involved in the HCIA project. More Details...

Integrated Care Teams to Improve Quality of Care: Health and Housing Integrated Care Models (2016). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: A two-part webinar series to highlight models of integrated care for vulnerable populations includng models of integrated care for primary and behavioral health More Details...

Care Coordination for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: Healing Hands (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue of Healing Hands discusses some of the benefits of care coordination as well as ongoing and emerging challenges for implementation of care coordination initiatives, and then presents several provider case studies that highlight solutions and emerging strategies in care coordination for clients experiencing homelessness. More Details...

Health IT Staff Resume Screening Tool: A template for Human Resources and Hiring Managers (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This is a list of key words and phrases that can be used to pre-screen resumes for HIT/QI jobs to help quickly identify candidates for an additional screen. More Details...

Health IT Staff Recruitment Strategies: A template for Human Resources and Hiring Managers (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource provides ideas about the latest recruiting tips used by community health centers as well as leading organizations from other industries. Review the strategies and identify ones that could work in your organization.  Adapt them as necessary to fit your particular needs and resources. This resource provides ideas about the latest recruiting tips used by community health centers as well as leading organizations from other industries. Review the strategies and identify ones that could work in your organization.  Adapt them as necessary to fit your particular needs and resources. More Details...

Health IT Interviewing Questions: Examples for Human Resources and Hiring Managers (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource provides a list of sample questions that can be used to interview job candidates. The questions are organized into four categories: 1) questions for HIT staff positions; 2) questions for quality improvement staff positions; 3) questions for either position; and 4) questions for senior HIT or Quality positions.   This resource provides a list of sample questions that can be used to interview job candidates. The questions are organized into four categories: 1) questions for HIT staff positions; 2) questions for quality improvement staff positions; 3) questions for either position; and 4) questions for senior HIT or Quality positions.   These questions are intended to be a menu of items that an organization can pick or choose from, adapt to meet their organization’s needs, or use to generate additional/new questions. More Details...

Access to Information about Database Structures: Issues and Suggestions for Contract Negotiations (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue brief discusses a critical concern during health center’s health IT contracting process – the need to have access to the underlying database structures to the health IT applications (e.g., EHR, reporting system… etc.) The lack of access to database structure will hinder the health center’s ability to access the data captured in the system, and risk vendor lock-in and have records trapped in data silos in the future. Electronic health record (EHR) system customers that can access their data have found that they also need information about the database structure used by the EHR technology developer in order to effectively use the data for custom reports or to even understand the customer’s own patient population and the unit costs of care. Some EHR technology developers are reportedly unwilling to provide data models or “data dictionaries” or are charging significant fees for information that helps the customer understand how the data is held in the EHR and may be efficiently extracted and used for other purposes. More Details...

Ability to Use Data Without Excessive Charges: Issues and Suggestions for Contract Negotiations (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue brief discusses a critical concern during health center’s EHR contracting process – the need to preserve the ability to use data without excessive charges, which had hindered many health center’s ability to meet UDS and other reporting requirements. Electronic health record (EHR) systems and related technology are increasingly important as health centers face additional quality reporting requirements and are expected to bear more risk in accountable care organizations (ACOs) and other alternative payment models.  Some health centers have found that their decision to use a hosted EHR (rather than operating the EHR on their own hardware) and the terms of data access in those arrangements are important factors in how well they can respond to these changing requirements. More Details...

Hiring Test to Screen Possible Candidates for Data Knowledge: Gauging an Applicant’s Basic Data Knowledge and Abilities (2016). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This test is intended to gauge an applicant’s basic data knowledge and abilities.  Applicants are to go through all the tabs in order and follow the instructions in the red boxes. Included is an answer key that accompanies the Hiring Test. After giving a candidate the test, the hiring manager can use the Answer key to assess how the candidate did on the test. This test is intended to gauge an applicant’s basic data knowledge and abilities.  Applicants are to go through all the tabs in order and follow the instructions in the red boxes.  Hiring managers can administer this test as they see fit: they can email it to the applicant after a phone interview to see if they want to offer them an in-person or second interview it can be completed after the interview to determine whether the applicant has the basic skills needed for the position if the person is the right choice for the company because of mission-fit and soft skills, it can be used as a training assessment This also allows employees to assess if the job is the right fit for them. Note: Patients listed are fictitious examples More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit