Please Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment
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Displaying records 1901 through 1920 of 2645 found.

NNOHA Operations Manual - Quality Chapter (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers strive to deliver quality care that leads to positive patient outcomes. This chapter of the NNOHA Operations Manual will explore quality improvement for oral health programs. More Details...

Integrated Care Models Survey Results: Embedded Dental Providers: Survey Results (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Integration of oral health and primary care practice is a strategy to increase access and improve health outcomes. There is an emergence of a new and alternative model, embedding a dental provider in the medical clinic. This document summarizes the results of the 2019 NNOHA Integrated Models survey and the subsequent focus group findings. More Details...

Aging in Place: A Resource for Health Centers (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The proportion of the world’s population over 60 years of age is projected to increase nearly double from 12% to 22% between 2015 and 2050 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With the dramatic increase of this population, the need for programs and initiatives that address their healthy aging also increases. Ensuring that older adults have access to health care and the ability to “age in place” is a national priority both from a quality of life perspective and a cost savings perspective. More Details...

Finance Training for Board of Directors: Case Study 2 (2019). Resource Type: eLearning. Description: This case study is designed to help increase your confidence related to health center board financial oversight. Most of the content reinforces concepts addressed in the Modules on Board Financial Oversight – but occasionally additional variables are introduced to mimic the complexity of health center finances. More Details...

Finance Training for Board of Directors: Case Study 1 (2019). Resource Type: elearning. Description: This case study is designed to help increase your confidence related to health center board financial oversight. The content in the case reinforces concepts addressed in the Modules on Financial Oversight. More Details...

Policy Options for Improving Dental Coverage for People on Medicare (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Kaiser Family Foundation just released an “Issue Brief” which identifies several potential approaches for improving dental coverage for Medicare beneficiaries. Included in the options are OPEN’s recommendation to include an extensive dental benefit under Medicare Part B. Also included in the Issue Brief is the work OPEN has been doing to get federal policymakers to expand the types of “medically necessary” dental services that are covered. More Details...

Increasing Access to Healthy Food and Exercise in Public Housing Communities: Examples From Public Housing Primary Care Grantees (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Public housing residents face the challenge of living in communities with poor access to healthy foods and safe places to exercise. Addressing access to healthy food and improving diet and exercise are critical components in improving the health of public housing residents. This report provides examples of Public Housing Primary Care Grantee strategies and programs that have increased access to healthy food, exercise and weight control models for public housing residents. More Details...

Project Highlight: The Floating Hospital, NY (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This summary describes The Floating Hospital, Inc.’s (TFH) expansion efforts in Long Island City, NY, highlighting the capital project planning, financing, and estimated community impact of a new $7.5 million health center capital facility. More Details...

Project Highlight: Primecare Community Health, IL (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This summary describes PrimeCare Community Health, Inc.’s expansion efforts in Chicago, IL, highlighting the capital project planning, financing, and estimated community impact of a new $8 million health center capital project. More Details...

Ransomware Guidance Presentation for Health Centers: Updated with Ransomware Strategies from CISA (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This ransomware guidance presentation for health centers, updated with ransomware strategies from CISA, provides information about ransomware, HIPPA implications, recent examples from the news, and suggested resources. More Details...

Center of Excellence for Protected Health Information: FOCUS: PHI is a SAMHSA-funded source for clear and accurate information about patient privacy and confidentiality (2019). Resource Type: Other. Description: Clear and accurate information about confidentiality is important to ensure that patient privacy is protected and that privacy laws are not erroneously interpreted to prevent disclosure of patient information. Individuals living with mental illness or substance use disorders may not seek care without guarantees of confidentiality and privacy protections. Clarifying privacy protections and promoting communication of patient records is critical for improving patients’ access to care and quality of treatment once in care. The Center for Excellence for Protected Health information is supported by SAMHSA and includes key resources around privacy and confidentiality. More Details...

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention: Considerations for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Despite major advancements in HIV testing, treatment, and prevention, HIV diagnoses in the United States have remained stable since 2013. The introduction of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) has offered an opportunity to significantly reduce HIV transmission rates, yet those most at risk are not the ones utilizing this method of prevention. This fact sheet explores the intersection of HIV and homelessness, focusing on subpopulations with disproportionate rates of infection. It also provides promising practices in prevention and treatment, including recommendations around the initiation of PrEP in the Health Care for the Homeless setting. More Details...

Diabetes Management and Oral Health among Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness : Promising and Evidence-Based Practices for Health Centers in Diabetes Management and Oral Care (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication highlights the diabetes disease burden and gum (periodontal) disease among older adults (50+) who have experienced or are experiencing homelessness and explores promising and evidence-based practices health centers can adopt, aimed at improving overall oral health among this population. More Details...

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) TRAIN - MISSION Act Curriculum (2019). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: Veterans Health Administration (VHA) TRAIN offers an online, no-cost, continuing medical education curriculum for community providers. This portal provides community providers direct access to curriculum established under the MISSION Act. Community providers are a vital part of VA's high-performing health care network; making sure Veterans who have served our country and their families get the timely, high-quality health care they need. More Details...

Increase Access to Care Self-Assessment (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Our Migrant Health Program Self-Assessment tool will provide your health center with the framework to assess and document current status of your MSAW program, and to identify gaps and areas of improvement to better reach and serve your MSAW population. More Details...

Using Human Resource Metrics (2019). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The purpose of this course is to provide examples of Human Resource (Metrics) to help your organization measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your HR policies and help indicate areas that require additional analysis to improve the Employee Life Cycle (ELC). More Details...

Diabetes Management and Oral Health Among Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Promising and Evidence-Based Practices for Health Centers in Diabetes Management and Oral Care (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar addressed the burden of diabetes among older adults who have experienced homelessness and the burden of periodontal disease among this population; the role of supportive housing as a key social determinant in improving health outcomes, including connections to quality dental care; and promising and evidence-based practices aimed at improving overall dentition among older adults with diabetes who are homeless or formerly homeless. More Details...

Developing an Effective Employee Engagement Plan (2019). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: In this course we will walk through the benefits of and process for the development and implementation of an effective Employee Engagement Plan. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health for Public Housing Residents: Diabetes (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Public housing residents are more likely to be affected by community violence and chronic medical conditions such as diabetes. The following issues brief provide descriptions of some of the most critical issues affecting this special population. More Details...

A Guide for Rural Health Care Collaboration and Coordination (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: A Guide for Rural Health Care Collaboration and Coordination was developed in cooperation with local, state, and national level leaders representing various rural health care organizations. This document discusses key lessons learned from efforts these leaders have pursued in their own rural communities. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit