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Displaying records 1801 through 1820 of 2645 found.

Transgender Health and Medical-Legal Partnerships (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Transgender people have unprecedented access to medical care, but pervasive health disparities persist. Widespread discrimination in health insurance, employment, housing and education, and barriers to obtaining accurate identity documents continue to undermine the health of transgender people. Health care providers play an important role in connecting patients to needed legal services. This can be effectively accomplished through integrated services of a medical-legal partnership that specifically meets the needs of transgender patients. More Details...

Enhancing Social Connectedness in times of Physical Distance: Highlight promising practices for keeping connected with clients (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The current need for physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 means that many people may become more isolated. Here are suggestions for how to encourage social connectedness while practicing physical distancing and following critically important CDC guidance regarding how to not spread the virus. More Details...

Developing a Community Health Center Capital Project Plan and Budget – Part Two (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The second part of a two-part webinar series will dive deeper into how to determine your sources and uses of funds, the elements of a business plan, and an overview of the variety of capital project financing sources available to health centers, including New Markets Tax Credits. This session will also discuss how health centers can use scenario modeling to strategically manage their capital projects in a changing environment.  More Details...

WEBINAR | Work in the time of COVID-19: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Their Families (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this national webinar, presented by Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA, and Ed Zuroweste, MD, we respond to many of your questions about COVID-19 and discuss strategies and resources to help workers best protect themselves and their families. More Details...

Caring for Intersex Patients (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar we will define what it means to be intersex, address common misconceptions about intersex experience, discuss specific challenges faced by the intersex communities in accessing high-quality care, and outline best practices for how providers at health centers can effectively serve intersex patients. More Details...

Telehealth Policy during Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The HITEQ Center is adding additional telehealth information, including policy and regulatory developments, relevant to coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic as it impacts health centers as it becomes available. More Details...

Telehealth Implications for FQHCs — COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this complimentary webinar, we will describe the new telehealth flexibilities in the Appropriations Act and PAL 2020-01, discuss the President's recent national emergency declaration, and explain the broader impact of each on health centers. More Details...

Simulation Exercise: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Training (2020). Resource Type: In Person Training. Description: To support countries’ preparedness effort on the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed a generic COVID-19 tabletop exercise package. The exercise aims to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities to manage an imported case of 2019-nCov and targets the health authorities at the national level. More Details...

Operational considerations for case management of COVID-19 in health facility and community: Interim guidance19March 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This document is intended for health ministers, health system administrators, and other decision-makers. It is meant to guide the care of COVID-19 patients as the response capacity of health systems is challenged; to ensure that COVID-19 patients can access life-saving treatment, without compromising public health objectives and safety of health workers. More Details...

FTCA Coverage & COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health centers are currently engaged in unprecedented efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this complimentary webinar, we will explore FTCA coverage for various COVID-19 activities and discuss how you can best ensure malpractice liability protection for your health center and staff members in these unusual times. More Details...

Care for LGBTQIA+ People of Color (2020) (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this talk from the 2020 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health conference, Dr. Darrell Wheeler identifies challenges and solutions for supporting the health of LGBTQIA+ people of color. More Details...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Health Center Revenue and Jobs: A 50-State Analysis (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: View a state-by-state estimate of health center revenue and job loss as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. More Details...

Telehealth Toolkit — COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit outlines ways in which telehealth can be used in response to COVID-19. More Details...

Oral Health Listening Session Findings — COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NNOHA hosted three oral health listening sessions on health center dental programs' responses to COVID-19. The listening sessions focused on protecting the community and protecting the dental team. The findings of the three listening sessions are provided in this document in addition the webinar recordings. More Details...

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (CDC) (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This short document discusses how health center boards are exercising their governance duties related to COVID-19. More Details...

Telehealth and COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers held a webinar exploring further uses and benefits of telehealth during the COVID-19 outbreak. More Details...

Pandemics and the Need for Telehealth: Dr. Joseph Kvedar of the American Telemedicine Association (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: Hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Joseph Kvedar, President-Elect of the American Telemedicine Association and Sr. Advisor for Virtual Care at Partners Health Care in Boston. More Details...

Coordinated Entry Systems, Assessment of Vulnerability, and Housing Prioritization for People Experiencing Homelessness (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: It can be frustrating and confusing for people without homes to navigate complex patchworks of local homeless service organizations. This CME-accredited issue of Healing Hands focuses on how communities are implementing Coordinated Entry Systems (CESs) to help clients access necessary services through a single entry point and more efficiently coordinate assistance for people without homes. More Details...

Telehealth Essentials Checklist Training Event Recording (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This free live training event was offered by the Mid-Atlantic Teleheath Resource Center on Wednesday March 18 from noon – 1 PM ET. MATRC walked through a checklist of the essentials health centers need to have in mind (and get into place) to get started on implementing telehealth. More Details...

Health Policy Bulletin Spring 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Health Policy Bulletin is a summary of policy developments that affect farmworker health and access to health care. This issue focuses on access to behavioral health services in farmworker communities. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit