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Displaying records 1921 through 1940 of 2406 found.

Collecting Data On Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, And Pacific Islanders For Community Health Center Needs Assessments: A Learning Series - Part 2: Data Resource Training: Using Community Commons to Map & Visualize the Needs of AA&NHPIs For Community Needs Assessments (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar introduces the Community Commons resource and how it can serve as a great tool to help health centers collect disaggregated data on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA&NHPIs). It provides a live demonstration of Community Commons’ mapping technology features and their Needs Assessment Toolkit. Speakers demonstrate how these tools can be used to inform a health center’s community health needs assessment and increase knowledge of available data resources. This will help to improve health center capacity to monitor and track the needs of medically underserved areas and populations. More Details...

Relevance of the Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act (MACRA) to Health Information Exchange (HIE): An Issue Brief (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This document provides an overview of Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), how HIE links to MACRA, and how health centers might be impacted. In this brief, we describe the relationship between new federal legislation regarding physician payment and the exchange of health information among organizations. For many years, Medicare has paid physicians on the basis of a resource-based relative value scale. This approach has led to increases in resource utilization and inappropriate care rather than rewarding physicians on the basis of quality of care and patient outcomes. It has resulted in steadily increasing physician fees, which the government attempted to control by implementing the Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR). SGR slowed the increase and could even result in decreases in physician reimbursement. There has been a need to address these issues and to provide incentives which might lead to greater value to patients and fairer physician Medicare reimbursement. Download the brief below. More Details...

A Closer Look At Health Center-Based MLPs: Where They Are, How They Work, and How They are Funded (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue brief from the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership describes how and where these partnerships operate, and how state primary care associations are supporting these programs. It also discusses how health-center based medical-legal partnerships are financed, with a spotlight on four states that integrate financing for legal services in Medicaid payment arrangements. More Details...

Taking Care of Your High Blood Pressure (2018). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: This interactive tool is a great resource for monitoring high blood pressure along with self management strategies and information. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health Self-Assessment (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This Social Determinates of Health Self-Assessment will help administrators determine which SDOH markers their health center patient screening process is incorporating and the success of current SDOH strategies utilized to help the agricultural worker population. More Details...

PrEP and Transgender Communities: Evidence Informed Practices (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: During this webinar participants will learn how to 1) describe curretn guidelines for PrEP use, 2) review data on PrEP among transgender people, and 3) identify gender-affirming practices for PrEP implementation. More Details...

Payment Innovation and Health Center Dental Programs: Case Studies from Three States (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As dental care reimbursement follows the trends of healthcare overall towards value-based payment reimbursement, lessons from pioneers in dental payment innovation will inform effective health center strategies that will both strengthen the dental safety network and improve the oral health of the communities they serve. This document outlines interviews from organizations in three states on how health center dental programs are adapting clinical care systems under payment innovation incentives. More Details...

Patient-Centered Care: Case Studies on End of Life: Healing Hands (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This CME-accredited issue of Healing Hands is dedicated to patient-centered palliative care for people without homes and presents five case studies that highlight issues and challenges that clinicians may face in providing end of life care to this population. More Details...

Optimizing Team Resources: Patient/Provider Scheduling and Panel Size (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health centers continue to devote significant resources to the transition to a team-based model of primary care delivery. This session goes "back to basics" to take a fresh look at techniques designed to expand capacity, utilizing existing resources within a sustainable structure. From defining target outcomes to simplifying scheduling templates to aligning panel size, participants will learn a replicable process for moving forward with each of their primary care teams through what is often a divisive operational imperative. More Details...

Managing Asthma Triggers (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This interactive tool is a resource for helping patients understand what asthma triggers are and how to monitor which ones most affect them. It also offers self management strategies and a space for a personal plan of action. More Details...

HIV and STI Prevention among LGBTQ People (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: During this webinar, participants will learn how to 1) describe risk factors for HIV and STIs among LGBTQ people, 2) summarize strategies to reduce HIV and STIs among LGBTQ people and 3) identify how to incorporate a package of prevention services into routine clinical care for LGBTQ people. More Details...

Health Centers as Assets in their Community: Assessing Your Environment (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session is designed to provide attendees with a tour of the range of research resources available for health centers to assess market opportunities (many of them are free for all to use). We will review techniques for how to determine the size and location of the low-income, uninsured and under-served population, estimate the level of unmet need, and translate this information into workforce needs and a preliminary capital project budget. This session will also take a broader view in exploring how to determine where community gaps are within a service area with respect to the Social Determinants of Health, identifying types of assets in a community that support health and wellness. More Details...

Effective Partnerships Guide: Improving Oral Health for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Children and their Families (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this guide is to create an opportunity for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) programs and health centers to learn more about each other’s programs, share resources, foster new partnerships and strengthen ones already in place. Although the guide focuses primarily on oral health, information about medical health services is included. More Details...

Competency Checklist for Bilingual Staff (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The Competency Checklist for Bilingual Staff will help health centers to assess the interpretation competencies of bilingual staff that have no formal interpretation training or certification, but areasked to interpret during clinic encounters. More Details...

CLAS Self-Assessment Tool (2018). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This assessment tool can assist CHCs to determine the status of CLAS implementation strategies within their organization. More Details...

Board Self Evaluation (2018). Resource Type: template. Description: Governance is an essential component of the health center program. In order to be an effective board member, it is vital to understand board members’ roles and responsibilities and the HRSA expectations of C/MHC board of directors. These templates were developed by NCFH to help board members with strategic thinking and planning within the context of the environment that the health center operates, as well as pursuing its mission, goals and operating plan. More Details...

Best Practices in Capital Planning and Financing (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Capital projects are complicated for most health centers, but become more manageable when following a methodical process. This session with provide an overview of Capital Link's new resource Steps to Success: A Toolkit for Navigating a Capital Development Venture, a guideline of the steps involved in planning a capital project. We will also review resources available for each step of the planning process, and financing options for health centers, including New Markets Tax Credits. More Details...

Resource Center (2017). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Over 250 resources on workforce sortable by topic and/or content type More Details...

2017 Compensation Strategy Webinar Series (2017). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This four-part webinar series was hosted in 2017 by the STAR² Center with presenter Ed Ura of Merces consulting. More Details...

Enabling Services Data Collection Implementation Packet: Enabling Services Accountability Project (2017). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit includes tools and recommendations for how health centers can better capture data on enabling services (ES). This will help health centers provide a better understanding of the role of ES in health care access, utilization and outcomes for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA&NHPIs), and useful information to appropriately address these needs. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit