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Displaying records 181 through 200 of 226 found.

Benefits of Oral HIV Testing in the Dental Chair: Promising Practice (2012). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice describes how the Columbia College of Dental Medicine in New York developed an iniative to conduct HIV testing in the dental clinic. More Details...

Adding Restorative Care to Health Center Mobile Dental Programs: Promising Practice (2012). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Center, Inc in CT has provided mobile dental services to school-aged children since 2002. One challenge for this program was that children were not completing restorative care recommended in the mobile dental program. This promising practices shares how this health center added restorative care to their mobile dental program. More Details...

Providing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Care in Emergency Responses: Stories and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Sandy (2005). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This second edition of AAPCHO's emergency preparedness compendium highlights the value and need for sharing best practices that are sensitive to the specific needs of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA&NHPIs) in emergency management efforts. More Details...

Understanding Your Role Will Make Your Job Easier Governance at Community Health Centers (2015). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: Functioning governing boards are essential for the success of community and migrant health centers (C/MHC). Knowing what is expected from boards in terms of composition, functions, and responsibilities is the first step in achieving highly effective boards. In this 60 minutes session, the speaker will review what a C/MH board is; how it should look like; what it is supposed to do; and how effectiveness will be reflected. More Details...

Understanding Stages of Change and Best Interventions for Substance Use Disorders (44341). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar discusses how nurses, nurse practitioners, and other providers can support patients with substance use disorders. More Details...

Tips for Telehealth Communication (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: A tip and strategies sheet developed to help healthcare providers improve communication with patients during telehealth encounters. More Details...

The Evolving Role of Nurse Practitioners in Health Centers and Considerations for Provider Satisfaction (44348). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication discusses the evolving role of nurse practitioners and reccomendations to improve job satisfaction and prevent burnout. More Details...

Service Delivery- Models for Agricultural Workers (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This brief provides information on the different service delivery models for health centers including fixed-site health centers, mobile clinics, voucher programs, More Details...

Service Delivery - Introduction (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This publication provides an introduction of service delivery for health centers that are required to provide comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to medically underserved communities and vulnerable populations, including migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. More Details...

Prácticas prometedoras de alcance a lost trabajadores agrícolas: Lecciones del campo (44791). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health Outreach Partners (HOP), in collaboration with NCFH, interviewed and documented promising outreach practices of farmworker-serving organizations across the United States. This webinar will feature 3-4 experts who will share their outreach practices, key strategies, and lessons learned while giving participants an opportunity to ask questions about the development and implementation of the practices. More Details...

Patient Telehealth Readiness Assessment Tool  (2020). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description:  A tool developed to assist healthcare providers in identifying a patient’s willingness or need for resources and/or skills to engage in telehealth services. More Details...

Partnering for the COVID Vaccine: Lessons from the Flu-LEAD Project (44237). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar features the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, the National Center for Health in Public Housing, and subject matter experts from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It discusses leveraging health center and housing authority partnerships for COVID vaccine distribution. Speakers discussed lessons learned from the HUD/HRSA Flu-LEAD (Linkages to End Access Disparities) project. More Details...

Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural America (44453). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar featured key insights and strategies to address vaccine hesitancy in rural communities. This webinar is a part of NNCC's Nurse-Led Forum for Vaccine Confidence series. More Details...

Optimizing Nurse Care Coordinators in Hepatitis C (HCV) Treatment (44538). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC), this webinar discusses real-world examples of successful HCV treatment programs where the Nurse Care Coordinator role was key to developing best practice and positive patient outcomes. More Details...

#NursesMakeChangeHappen COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit (44424). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit was created to give nurses the tools to do their part in the national vaccine effort. More Details...

National Nurse-Led Care Consortium COVID-19 page (44362). Resource Type: Other. Description: NNCC Covid-19 FAQs and resource page More Details...

National Diabetes Prevention Program: Final Summary 2021  (44277). Resource Type: Other. Description: Staff from the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) liaised with experts from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and primary care associations (PCAs) across the country to identify health centers to highlight in a case study on the National Diabetes Prevention Program. The health centers featured in this case study serve geographically and demographically diverse patient populations and deploy promising practices in National DPP implementation that engage patients, families, staff, and the community at large. In describing the successes and challenges faced by these health centers in supporting National DPP cohorts, this case study aims to provide practical guidance for other service providers interested in beginning or enhancing National DPP programs. More Details...

Joint Commission BPHC Strategies to Keep Health Center Employees Engaged (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: Research shows that health care organizations that routinely assess and achieve high employee satisfaction scores, have these 3 important factors: 1) leadership support, 2) a culture of open communication and 3) employee empowerment and initiative in providing the best possible care to patients. Combined, these factors result in job satisfaction and retention, increased self-confidence, better job performance, effective team relationships, and ultimately enhances the workplace environment and improves quality of care provided to patients. This webinar will provide an overview of these key factors and will discuss strategies to create an organizational culture of open communication, leadership, engagement and will include tips and tools to administer and assess staff satisfaction surveys on an on-going basis. Recommendations will be made regarding strategies for successful implementation of systems, practices, training, etc., with the ultimate outcome of improving staff engagement. More Details...

Innovative Collaboration to Improve Social Determinants of Health in Philadelphia (43879). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar provides attendees an overview of the Philadelphia Nursing-Legal Partnership (NLP), a collaboration between public health nurses and attorneys that remediates mothers, children, and families' unmet social, legal, health, and education needs. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit