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Displaying records 541 through 560 of 598 found.

Implementing a Language Access Program (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: A step-by-step guide developed to implement Language Access Services (LAS) to patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). More Details...

Implementation Template (2020). Resource Type: Publication . Description: A self-assessment that provides a snapshot highlighting the work you are currently doing and areas for growth to address Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). More Details...

IAC Plus Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Screening Tool (2021). Resource Type: Template . Description: This tool assist health care providers in assessing, screening, and documenting SDOH factors among MSAW patients and create an action plan to enhance population health outcomes and UDS reporting.  More Details...

IAC Plus Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Checklist (2020). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This checklist serves to identify Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs) SDOH challenges, resources available, and strategies implemented to manage these barriers. More Details...

IAC Migrant Health Program Self-Asessment Tool (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This tool is designed to assist health center staff in evaluating their current Migrant Health Program and identify potential areas for improvement. More Details...

How Health Center Care Teams Can Address Health and Housing for Patients Involved With the Justice System  (44400). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This issue brief aims to describe the cyclical relationship between those systems and housing insecurity (including homelessness). It also provides an overview of both the civil and criminal justice systems in the United States. Based on this foundation, the brief outlines potential workflow considerations for health centers working to reduce health disparities for patients and families. More Details...

Housing is Health: La Maestra Community Health Centers (44537). Resource Type: Podcasts. Description: In this podcast episode leadership from La Maestra Community Health Centers in San DIego highlight how they support various housing needs ranging from programs for people living in public housing, experiencing homelessness and human trafficking, to counseling for renters and residents receiving public assistance. More Details...

HIV/AIDS and U.S. Agricultural Workers (2017). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This factsheet provides information on the heavy burden on migratory and seasonal agricultural workers for contracting HIV and/or AIDS due to their lack of health care access due to legal, financial, geographical, and linguistic barriers coupled with a lack of material and social support. The migratory lifestyle, often characterized by constant mobility, geographic isolation, separation from family, lack of health education, and varying cultural attitudes and beliefs about safe sex practices further escalates these risks. More Details...

Healthy Together: A Toolkit for Health Center Collaborations with HUD-Assisted Housing and Community-Based Organizations (44652). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The National Center for Health in Public Housing and the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium are happy to announce the release of “Healthy Together: A Toolkit for Health Center Collaborations with HUD-Assisted Housing and Community-Based Organizations”! More Details...

Healthy Habits from Home (2020). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Fillable flyer for diabetes 2 and healthy habits for health centers. More Details...

Health Literacy Introduction (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This publication provides an introduction to the different strategies utilized to address health literacy among special and vulnerable populations, including agricultural workers. More Details...

Hábitos saludables desde su hogar (2020). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Folleto rellenable de Diabetes 2 y hábitos saludables para centros de salud. More Details...

Guide to Implementing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) (2020). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This set of action steps for providing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) serve as a guide to promote healthcare organizations that fosters health equity for all patients regardless of their culture or socio-economic factors.   More Details...

General Precaution Procedure (2012). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This procedure includes a list of general safety precautions for Community Workers when working with new or existing clients. More Details...

Food Insecurity among Agricultural Communities (2021). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This factsheet provides information on the prevalence of food insecurity among agricultural workers and the health outcomes, causes, and risk factors associated with their lack of nutritious food. More Details...

Folk Medicine and Traditional Healing (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This factsheet includes information on the history of folk medicine and traditional healing and its use among farmworkers. It also highlights the healthcare perspective towards these types of medicine. More Details...

Farmworkers and the State Monitor Advocate System (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: Presented by Jeremy Dondlinger, Timmy Dudley, and Yu-Mon Luis Chang. The Ag Worker Access Campaign Taskforce is pleased to host this webinar, where participants will learn from the State Monitor Advocate guest presenters about the State Monitor Advocate (SMA) system, their role, and how SMAs can assist health centers and other Ag worker serving agencies in forging relationships with growers, resulting in increased access to care for Ag worker families. Presenters will also share information and resources available on the DOL website. The webinar includes a presentation and Q&A discussion. More Details...

Farmworker Outreach Promising Practices: Lessons from the Field (44791). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health Outreach Partners (HOP), in collaboration with NCFH, interviewed and documented promising outreach practices of farmworker-serving organizations across the United States. This webinar will feature 3-4 experts who will share their outreach practices, key strategies, and lessons learned while giving participants an opportunity to ask questions about the development and implementation of the practices. More Details...

​Facts About Agricultural Workers (2020). Resource Type: Publication . Description: The factsheet provides agricultural worker demographic information from the 2015-2016 National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) results. It provides an overview of their demographics, economic contribution, wages and benefits, housing, health, and legislative protection. More Details...

Evaluación sobre las necesidades de salud de los trabajadores del campo (2011). Resource Type: Template . Description: Esta breve muestra de la encuesta ayuda a centros de salud a evaluar las necesidades de atención médica de la población de trabajadores agrícolas. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit