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Displaying records 2581 through 2600 of 2676 found.

Diabetes 101 (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: Hosted by NCFH and in collaboration with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), this training will aim to provide general information on diabetes health education and target overall support in diabetes management efforts. Health Centers and Community Health Workers (CHWs) will be provided with opportunities for trainings, resources to aid in patient care, updates on diabetes standards, and additional support to address all the factors that contribute to implementing the most effective care for persons with diabetes. Presented on 5/6/2021 More Details...

Developing Cross-Sector Partnerships (43936). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides health center staff with tools and strategies to initiate, develop, and sustain community partnerships to better serve older adult residents of public housing. More Details...

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards, chart and strategies (Document Download) (2020). Resource Type: Publication . Description: Set of guidelines utilized to improve the quality of care and services for all patients, taking into account cultural health beliefs, preferred languages, health literacy levels, and communication needs.   More Details...

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Action Planning Template (2020). Resource Type: Template . Description: This action template serves to list strategies and activities to address Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). More Details...

Cultural Navigators to Liaise Between Indigenous Communities and Public Health Systems    (44841). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice describes the collaboration between Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) and Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) to provide services at mobile vaccine clinics to community members, including interpretation in Purépecha, Mixteco, and other languages. More Details...

Cultural Competency Checklist (2018). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This publication provides information on the issues, solutions, and strategies of culturally competency among Agricultural workers in the U.S. More Details...

Cultural and Self-Humility - Populations at Risk for HepB (44259). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar speakers from the Nationalities Services Center, whose mission focuses on welcoming immigrants and refugees and connecting them to services in Philadelphia, PA, discuss cultural and self-humility as it relates to providing health care and social services to people coming from different cultural identities. The presenters will also review trauma-informed practice and barriers that different populations face in accessing health care, as well as resources to address those barriers. More Details...

COVID-19 Webinar Series: Effective Diabetes Prevention and Management during Emergency Situations (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar . Description: Part 4 of 4 in the COVID-19 Webinar Series. This webinar focuses on effective diabetes prevention and management for patients during an emergency situtation. More Details...

COVID-19 Response: Promising Practices for Supporting Tribal Communities (44400). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar features nurses on the front line and discusses vaccine hesitancy and lessons learned through COVID-19 while working with tribal communities. More Details...

COVID-19 Messaging Social Media Toolkit (44348). Resource Type: Publication . Description: The COVID-19 Messaging Social Media Toolkit contains resources and information tailored for farmworker communities to amplify your organization’s social media campaign against COVID-19. It specifically includes a social media guide and media repository to aid in content creation and customizable branding content. More Details...

Coordinating HCV and HIV Treatment in Primary Care (44470). Resource Type: Publication. Description: HCV and HIV are overlapping epidemics with serious clinical implications for people with HCV and HIV. Health centers are poised to prevent and treat these viral infections by understanding the implications of comorbidity and by creating a welcoming environment for those at risk for or currently diagnosed with one or both diseases. This publication provides context for the epidemics and outlines recommendations for health centers to best address them. More Details...

Controlando mi Asma - ​Managing My Asthma ​ (2018). Resource Type: Educational Video. Description: An educational video showing Elvia's experience with being diagnosed with asthma. Learn more about the condition and possible treatment options. More Details...

Considerations for Serving Residents of Public Housing During Emergencies and Disasters: Staff and Patient Wellness (44174). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium and the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this webinar discusses staff well-being and patient wellness during emergencies and disasters. This webinar provides health centers with guidance for developing tools and resources that enable the health center workforce and the patients they serve to navigate the practical and psychological after-effects of disaster events. More Details...

¡Consejos para tener menos estrés! (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Un material educativo para el paciente para compartir con los trabajadores agrícolas al identificar formas de reducir el estrés. More Details...

Comunicación Efectiva con Trabajadores Agrícolas Indígenas durante Emergencias Nacionales (44681). Resource Type: Publication . Description: Este recurso proporcionará a los centros de salud información sobre la población de trabajadores agrícolas indígenas, las formas en que las emergencias nacionales los afectan y compartirá consejos para mejorar la respuesta de emergencia y los esfuerzos de comunicación con esta población. El recurso ofrece consejos específicos paso a paso para que los centros de salud inicien comunicaciones de respuesta de emergencia con esta población, incluidos los mejores canales para llegar a la comunidad de trabajadores agrícolas indígenas. More Details...

Comunicación efectiva con trabajadores agrícolas migratorios y de temporada durante emergencias nacionales (44651). Resource Type: Publication . Description: Los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y de temporada (MSAW, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden enfrentar amenazas particulares frente a una emergencia nacional y perder las comunicaciones que salvan vidas. Este nuevo recurso informa a los centros de salud sobre los desafíos que enfrentan los MSAW durante las emergencias nacionales y cómo iniciar comunicaciones de emergencia efectivas con esta población. More Details...

Comprando y Cocinando Alimentos Saludables (2019). Resource Type: Patient Material. Description: Mapa interactivo para guiar a los pacientes a comprar y cocinar de alimentos saludables. More Details...

Como Manejo mi Dolor de Espalda - How I Manage My Lower Back Pain (2018). Resource Type: Educational Video. Description: An educational video portraying the story of Teresa and how she manages her lower back pain with the help of doctors, friends and family, and a positive attitude. More Details...

Cómo Manejo mi Colesterol Alto - How I Manage My High Cholesterol (2018). Resource Type: Educational Video. Description: An educational video showing Nereyda's experience with being diagnosed with high cholesterol and how she managed her symptoms. Learn more about the condition and possible treatment options. More Details...

Community-Led Data Collection in LGBTQ+ Public Health: Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (44372). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, experts discuss community-led statewide and regional studies on vaccine hesitancy among the LGBTQ+ community, barriers that lead to vaccine hesitancy, and strategies that organizations can put into practice to support inclusion and health equity. This webinar is a part of NNCC's Nurse-Led Forum for Vaccine Confidence series. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit