Please Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment
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About the Learning Collaborative Questionnaires


Learning Collaboratives (LCs) are a required TTA delivery modality for each Objective within each NTTAP’s portfolio.  In order to reduce duplication and assess gaps in TTA, the Clearinghouse Workgroup recommended developing a comprehensive inventory of all LCs to share across NTTAPs.  This effort has the potential to evolve into a Learning Collaborative Repository on the Clearinghouse to engage potential health center participants.  Phase one for this project is to collect information about all planned LCs. 

Please complete the following form to the best of your ability with the information you have available. There will be future opportunities to add or update information, if necessary.

If you are working with another NTTAP on a learning collaborative please note that collaboration in the Description field. Also, please include in the Description field the number of NTTAPs involved in each partnership.

Learning Collaborative Questionnaire

As a current NTTAP, thank you for taking the time to fill out a customized questionnaire that will populate a full cross-NTTAP Learning Collaborative Inventory.

Please use the navigation to the right to find the questionnaire related to your NTTAP type.  Once on your customized page, you will have the opportunity to fill out the initial survey.  This should take approximately 15-30 minutes.

Please read the instructions and complete the form to the best of your ability.

The information will be compiled and shared across all NTTAPs.  The Clearinghouse Workgroup will then begin planning how the learning collaboratives can be highlighted on the Clearinghouse website.

As always, if you have any questions, issues with the form, or ideas for collecting and sharing information, please let us know:

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit